
World War II (Events in Europe)

  • Hitler In Charge

    Hitler In Charge
    Hitler had a lust for power. The first step he took, was being inchsrge of Germany. He started to secretly build the German military, and he promised his poeple 'more living space'.
  • Militarizing the Rhineland

    Militarizing the Rhineland
    German troops occupied the Rhineland, a German teritory that bordered france.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    With the civil war in spain, Germany got involved, supporting the nationalist, to help over throw the Republicans.
  • Annexing Austria

    Annexing Austria
    Austria being Hitler's birthplace, and a German speaking country, was a perfect land to militerize. At first the Austrian goverment did not accept, but it was clear that Hitler would do anything to get the land, so they gave up.
  • A growing Crisis

    A growing Crisis
    Germany wanted more and more land, the next target was Czech. The Czechs said they will fight Germany off, hopping the Great Brittian and France would back them up. GB and france decided not get involved, and so Czech gave up.
    Germany had a new eddition to its collection of land.
  • Spanish civil war ends

    Spanish civil war ends
    After three years of fighting thr Nationalists defeat the Republicans
  • Non-agression pact

    Non-agression pact
    Stalin signed a nonagression pact with Germany, an agreement where each side agrees not to attack the other. It was designed to allow the Germans to gain more teriitory. It also included the right for each side to gain teritory in easter europe.
  • World War II STARTS

    World War II STARTS
    The Germans launched an attack on Poland, which marked the first day in WORLD WAR II
  • Occupying 2 more

    Occupying 2 more
    The German added Poland and Denmark to its collection of land.
  • Invading France

    Invading France
    Germany took the Netherlands, and Belguim first, making it easier to capture france.
  • Attempt in Great Brittan

    Attempt in Great Brittan
    Next, Germany wanted to take over Great Brittain. The Brotoch had the radar technology, which helped defeat Gemany, even though GB was destroyed, they still managed to kick Germany out.
  • Break the Promise

    Break the Promise
    The Germans broke their promise, and invaded the Soviet Union. Surprizngly the Germans were defeated, but not by the SU but by the freezing cold winter.
  • Stalingard

    Germany renewed an assult at Stalingard. Stalin would do anything to protect the city that carries his name, and so bloody fighting happend. Both sides suffered, but the SU finally won.
  • Americans land in Italy

    Americans land in Italy
    Shortly after the Americans landed in italy, they took conroll of Sicily.
  • End of Siege in Leningrad

    End of Siege in Leningrad
    After a long long siege leningard was finally relieved. Which was a huge victory to the Soviet Union
  • D-Day

    the date planned to take France back.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The last assult planned by Hitler, an attack on Belgium.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    With Hitler dead, the war in Europe was over!!