
World War II Events

  • Hitler Rises to Power

    Hitler Rises to Power
    Hitler took his party and because of his strong leadership and greater talking they raised to party. In January 1933, Hitler was elected Chancellor of Gernmany. Germans thought that he was the savior of their country.
  • Italy takes over Ethiopia.

    Italy takes over Ethiopia.
    Italty attacked Ethiopia on October 2, 1935. They fought till they took it over in May 1936. Italy was Fascist and they conquered and annexed Ethiopia.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    When Japan invaded China it was the start of the war in the Pacific. It was the last straw for the rest of the Allies in the Pacific. China stopped fighting the Communists and started fighting Japan.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland and this goes against what Germany, France, and Great Britain agreed on. This cauesd France and Great Britian to call for war. This is considered the start of the war.
  • Italy enters the war

    Italy enters the war
    Italy attacks Southern France on June 10, 1940. This caused France to fight on both sides of their land. Italy entered the war on the side of Germany.
  • Italy invades Egypt

    Italy invades Egypt
    Italy invades British-controlled Egypt. They try to do this to get the upper hand on the Allies. Hitler thinks if they takes Egypt then they can weaken the Allies.
  • Germany, Italy, and Japan become Allies

    Germany, Italy, and Japan become Allies
    Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact on September 27, 1940. This confirmed they were allies. They were to be Allies and declare war on each others enemies.
  • USA enters the war.

    USA enters the war.
    After Pearl Harbor, the US declared war on Japan and joined the Allies. Pearl Harbor was the last straw and it angered all of America. The Allies moral was boosted and it helped them win the war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor because of the threats that the US has put on them. They do this to scare us but it only lights a fire under us. The Japanese General says after the bombing that they have woken a sleeping giant.
  • D-Day

    [D-Day invasion](<a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIIN0Ug8wg8&edufilter=auK0pl_lKdlmDRkoBj1cJQ)' >D-Day</a> D-Day was the invasion on Normandy. It was a gut check for the armies and the Allies won the invasion. This was the first of the pushes to ending the war.
  • US troops land in the Philipines

    US troops land in the Philipines
    When the troops landed in the Philipines it was the start of the island hopping. We freed the Phililpines and then moved on. Japan knew if we could take the Philipines that they had a fight on their hands.
  • The war ends

    The war ends
    On September 2, 1945, Japan surrenends to the US. This officially ends WWII. US was the last Ally force to fight against the Axis powers.