Militarists take control of Japan
In Japan, Emperor Hirohito was in charge of government. However, military officers had formed a strong government around the emperor. The war, later, was glorified by Japan's military regime. In 1941, Hirohito named the militarist General Hideki Tojo as prime minister of Japan. -
Japan invades Manchuria
Japan started to expand their own territories by invading other counties such as Korea and nearby countries. They also seized control of Manchuria where is a large Chinese region rich in natural resources. Through this, they were able to gain many resources and power. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
As the Nazi Party made huge gains during the Great Depression and had changes within its nation, at the end in 1933, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazis, was appointed as a chancellor of Germany. -
Nazi Party declares itself as Germany's only political party
Nazi Party declares that they are the only politcal party which create themselves to belong an absolute power which create themselves to be unstoppable as they start to overuse those power against their citizens in their own nation and abuse them for their own selfish desires - victory in world war II. -
Hitler declares himself Führer
Hitler declares himself Führer which means he is an absolute leader of Germany. With absolute power, he reintroduces the draft and rearms Germany and prepare for the invasion. This is significant as it shows Hitler is going to repeat the imperialists' ideas. -
The Acts of Mussolini
-Mussolini takes Ethiopia.
-Rhime land. (France’s little piece)
-France and Hitler are helping Mussolini.
In this action, Britain and France did not want to start the war and keep the peace between European nations, so they did not take no action against Italian aggression. After the invasion of the Rhineland, Hitler was basically encouraged to speed up his military action and territorial expansion. This later becomes unstoppable action as Germany starts to do whatever they want. -
Neutrality Acts
When Japan was expanding their territories and power, the USA refused to ship war material to countries at war, declaring that they would stay neutral as well as this time. This shows how many countries did not want to suffer again like they did during world war I. -
Nuremberg Race Laws.
German Jews loses their rights by Nuremberg Race Laws in Germany. The Nuremberg Laws resulted the many confusions as debated over who was a real Jew. This law eventually outlawed the Jews completely, depriving them of their rights as human beings. -
The Spanish Civil War
This fight was between the forces of Spain's democratic government and conservative rebels. The Spanish Civil War resulted numerous numbers of people to be killed (about 600,000 to 800,000), including deaths caused by combat, bombing, and etc. The Spanish Civil War served as a military proving ground for weapons and tactics that were used later. -
Munich Conference is held.
Munich Conference was held in order to prevent the war. Britain and France believed that by handing Sudetenland back to Germany was the only way to save the world from another war that this was one event to prevent a war again; however it eventually failed as Hitler ignored this. -
Hitler's Lightening War- Blitzkrieg
From 1939 to 1945, the German army used fast-moving tanks and infantry closely supported by warplanes and artillery to smash holes in enemy lines and quickly penetrate enemy defenses. The Germans bypassed pockets of resistance at first, then surrounded and erased them. -
The beginning of World War II
-Hitler and Stalin signed non-aggression pact. -September 1st
The reason that Stalin signed an agreement with Fascist Germany is because he wanted to avoid war with germany. Poland is invaded. (Blitzkriec -> lightening war)
This later causes Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand to declare war on Germany. -
Phony War
The United Kingdom and France declare war on Germany two days after the invasion of Poland had occurred. However, those two countries did almost nothing; there was almost no fighting and no bombs were dropped. This only gave the government more time to protect Britain from an attack. -
The Battle of Britain
This battle is a decisive air conflict between British and German forces. The objective of the campaign was to gain air superiority over the Royal Air Force (RAF), especially Fighter Command. Battle of Britain gave confidence to British soldiers that Hitler’s attacks can be blocked and protected. -
Invasion continued
The small countries such as Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands were invaded by Germany. Luxembourg surrendered in one day. The Netherlands gave up in five days. This shows how great strength was possessed by Germany and worked as a stimulus to spread the war. -
The Fall of France
As Hitler was going through Europe and taking over country after country, France was not exceptional. Hitler and German troops entered Paris and it only took eight days for France to surrender, which resulted Hitler to gain even more power. -
Bombing of London
The attack started on 17th of September in London. Homes and factories were damaged. Hundreds of civilians were killed. Raids in London gave some time for RAF to build the airfields. Aircraft production continued 24 hours a day. Better aircrafts were made and the life expectancy improved. 13 British fighters shot down 60 German aircrafts. Germany lost many aircraft crews and this became the shock in Germany. -
Nazi Soviet Non-Agression Pact
Hitler, having worried of having a war on two fronts, decided to create an alliance with Stalin. This was to assure the both nation's safety and in order of making this alliance was to divide Poland between them. -
U.S enters the World War II
The war has been spreading out as Germany started to taunt and fought with many countries. This caused the war to be globalized. Later, another battles arose in Africa, the Balkan Peninsula of southeastern Europe, and the Soviet Union. Finally, at the end of the year of 1941, the United States entered the war. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor was done by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor. This attack was done on purpose to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from influencing the war that the Empire of Japan was planning in Southeast Asia. -
The internment of Japanese American
Roosevelt signed Executive Order which created those Japanese Americans to lose thier rights. They were forced to go internment camp. U.S. had justified themselves by claiming there might be spies among those Japanese American. -
Propaganda campaigns on home fronts
Propaganda was in general derived for the purpose of substantially increasing enlistment. The axis were more interested in showing there power over the world and that there way was the right way. This was used to inspire people to great efforts and help to enhance economic status throughout propaganda. Still, it created a wave of prejudice. -
Battle of Stalingrad
German forces were defeated in their attempt to capture the city of Stalingrad in the Soviet Union. Soviet was damaged a lot; however, they were pushing Germany steadily westward. -
Battle of El Alamein
London sent General Bernard Montgomery -”Monty” to his troops - to tkae control of British forces in North Africa. By the time he arrived, the Germans had advanced to an Egyptian village called El Alamein. The roar of about 1,000 British guns took the Axis soldiers totally by surprise. -
Operation Torch
Operation Torch happened when Rommel retreated West. An allied force of more than 100,000 troops landed in Morocco andAlgeria and caught between Montgomoery’s and Eisenhower’s armies and Rommel’s Africa Korps was crushed. -
Invasion of Italy
After the failure of Battle of Stalingrad, Stalin planed to attack Italy first and King Victor Emmanuel III had the dictator arrested. However, Mussolini was back in charge even when Italy surrendered and also continued to resist against Germany and was found out in the truck when he was disguising and was killed. (The death of the famous leader during WW2) -
D-Day Invasion
From May 1944, thousands of planes, ships, tanks, and landing craft and more than three million troops awaited the order to attack to strike on the coast of Normandy. This invasion actually was operated on June 6, 1944. The Allies took heavy casualties by this fight. -
After D-Day Invasion..
July 25, Allies punched a hole in the German defenses and later, Allies marched triumphantly into Paris. Two months from then, they were able to liberate France, Belgium, and Luxembourg and set their sights on Germany. -
Battle of Leyte Gulf
Allies were moving in on Japan and stayed on the island of Leyte in the Philippines. However, while then Japanese had devised a bold plan to halt Allied advance to prevent the Allies from resupplying their ground troops. This plan was risky as almost the entire Japanese fleet was involved. At the end, Japanese lost over 100,000 troops and Americans 12,000 which shows for Japan, it was a desperate fight. -
Battle of the Bulge
It is a battle in which Allied forces turned back the last major German offensive of World War II. German tanks broke through weak American defenses, but Allies eventually pushed the Germans back. Germans had only choice to retreat since there were no reinforcements available at that point. -
Battle of Okinawa
The Battle of Okinawa was the last land engagement of the war and was the final opportunity to polish the tactics and planning before the Allied Forces invaded the Japanese homeland. This decided what was going to happen to either US or Japan later. However, about 80,000 Okinawan civilians died. Many chose to kill themselves rather than be conquered. -
After Battle of Bulge
After the Battle of the Bulge, the war in Europe rapidly drew to a close. April 25, 1945 Soviets had surrounded the capital and President Roosevelt died before he sees the long-awaited victory. -
Nazi Surrendered
Nazi officially surrendered in Berlin on May 9. By this, US and other Allied powers celebrated V-E Day which stands for Victory in Europe Day because this meant after all six years of fighting had ended. -
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
US army plane decided to drop a single atomic bomb on the center of the city. The overwhelming destructive power of the Hiroshima bomb and of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki changed the nature of war forever. Many people died by bomb and atomic radiation. -
Japan surrenders
Japanese surrendered after Okinawa incident to General Douglas MacArthur. Japan was almost threatened by President Truman that they would “rain of ruin from the air” to Japan unless they surrendered. As Japanese did not answer, US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima which created Japan to fear.