Mein Kampf
Hitlers book in english called my struggle he set fortha basic belief of Nazism and it became the plan mof action in the Nazi party. Then there was the racial pureification he wanted to enforce ne wanted to form a master raice, aryans, who would rule the world. a thrid element was national expansion he beleived that for Germany to thrive it needed more space. -
Benito Mussolini fascist gov. in Italy
He was established as a totalitariaon regime by the people who said they needed strong leader. He played their fears of economic collapse and comminism. He established the fascist party, was appointed head of gov by Italian king and made Italy a Totalitarian State. He extended fascist control over all aspect of Italy life. He achived this by crushing all those who opposed. -
Joseph stalin's totaliarian Gov. in the Soviet Union
He took position after lenin died. He focused on creating a model communist state, with thtis he made both agricultural and industrial growth as the prime economic goal. He turned a backwards rural nation into a great industrial power. In 1928 he created a 'five-year plans' -All economic activity was placed unfer state managment. In his move to eliminate sll those who threatened his power he didnt s[are even his most faithful supporters. "he is responcible for 8 million to 13 million deaths" -
Storm Troopers
Men who were out of job joined hitler's private army known as Storm troopers or Brown Shirts. The German people were desperate and turned to Hitler as their last hope. -
Japanese invasion of Manchuria
Japanese officials launched a surprise attack in the Chinese provinces Manchuria. Within several months japanese troops were in control of the entire province that was rich with natural resourcess. The succcess of Manchuria invasion put the military firmly in control of Japan. -
Adolf hitler's rise to power in Germany
Adolf made a promise to pull Germany out of Chaos, he set forth a basic belief of Nazism. He wanted to enforce racial pureification. The great depression also helped Nazis come to power and by 1932 Nazis became the most powerful political party in Germany. -
Third Reich
Once Hitler was appointed Prime Minister he quickly dismantled Germany's democratic Weimar Republic and replaced it with Third Reich or third German Empire. The thrid German Empire as Hitler said, would be a thousand year reich, it would last a thousand years. -
Hitler's military build-up in Germany
After pulling out of the League of Nations due to their incapability of handling the issue with Japan, hitler began to build-up his army violating the Treaty of Versailles. -
Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia
Mussolini's first target was Ethiopia and by the fall of 1935 tens of thousands of italian soldiers stood ready to advance The League of Nations reacted with smart talk but when the invasion began the league of Nations ersponse was an ineffective economic boycott. by may 1936 Ethiopoa had fallen, the ousted Ethiopoan emperor asked for TLON's help but it fell on deaf ears. -
Hitler's invades the Rhineland
A year after pulling out of the league of nation Hitler sent troops into rhindeland. the league did nothing to stop him. -
Francisco Franco
General Francisco Fraco lead a spanish army group to rebel against the Spanish republican. Revolts broke out and the spanish civil war began. About 3,000 Americans formed the Abraham Lincoln Battalion and travled to spain to fight against Fraco. -
The Phony War
a few months after the fall of poland French and Britian troops on the maginot line sat staring at Germany. Hitler launched a surprise invasioiin of Denmark and Norway in order to protect freedom and independance nbut in truth he planned to build bases along the coast to strike at Great Britian. -
Hitler's Anschluss
Austria was Hitler's first target The majority of Austria's six million poeple were German's who favored unification with Germany. ON March the german troops marched into Austria inoposed and a day later they announced that its Anschulss or union was complete. -
Munich Agreement
Both France and britian promised to protect Czechoslovakia and when war seemed unevitable htler invited French and Britian prime miniter to meet with him in Munich. He dreclared that the annexation of the sudetenland would be his last territorial demand. The agreement was signed allowing sudetenland to be taken over without a single shot having to be fired. -
Rome-Berlin Axis
A formal alliance between italy's dictators and Germany. After a loss of 500,000 lives Franoco's victory in 1939 established him as Spain's fascist dictator. -
nonagression pact
Stalin signed a nonagression pact with hitler. fascist Germany and communist Russia now commmited never to attack each other. They also agreed to sign a secret pact to divide poland between them. -
Germnay's newest military stratagy the blittzkrieg oe lightning war made use of advances in military technology like fast tanks and more powerful aircraft. to take the economy by surprise and quickly crush all opposition. -
Britian and France declare war on Germany
Following the terror in Poland France and Britian declare war on Germany. -
Battle of Britian
In the summer of 1940 Germans began to assemble an invasian fleet along the French coast. Germany launched an air war at the same time because its naval power couldnt compete with Britians. They bagna to make bombing runs over britian. the goal was to gain total control of the skies. the battle raged on through the summer and fall. It went from bombing arifcraft to cities. German bombers continued pound britian's citied and britian fought back but civilians on both side carried on. -
Germany and Italy's Invasion of France
German offensive trapped 40.00o british and French soldiers as they fled to the beaches of Dunkirk on the french side of the English Channel. a few days later, italy entered the war on the side of Germnay and invaded france from the south as the Germnas closed in on paris from the north. On June 22, 1940 Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender. -
Marshal Philippe Petain
Germany would occpuie the northern part of France, and the Nazi-controlled puppet gov, headed by Marshal Philoppe Petain. would be set up at Vichy in southern france. -
Hitler's Invasion of the Netherlands
Hitler turned against the netherlands, belgium, and Luxembourg which were overrun by the end of May. -
Battle of the Atlantic
After the attack on Peral harbor Hitler orderes submarine raids against ships along America's east coast. The German aim in the Battle of the Atlantic was to prevent food and war materials from reaching Great Britian and the Soviet Union. -
pearl Harbor attack
Japs dive-bomber attacjed the pearl harbor and as the first Jap bomb found their first target and an hour and a half the Jap's planes were barely disturbed by U.S aircrafts guns and continued to blast on. In less than two hours later the japs had killed over 2 thousand americans and wounded 1,78 more. The surprise raid created great losses in equipment and machines. Congress aproved Roosevelts request for a declaration of War against Japan. -
Battle of Stalingrad
The Germans had been fighting the Soviet Union since july 1941. The German army aprouched Stalingrad to take over Stalingrad For weeks the Germans pressed in on Stalingrad and by the end of september they controlled nine-tenths of the city. As winter apruched S.U used it to help aid them in battle. The German Commander surrendered on jan 31 1943 -
U.S Convoy system
Convoys were groups of ships traveling together for mutual protection and the Aliies responded to the Germnas by using this method. The convoy were escorted across the Atlantic by destroyers and airplanes the allies were able to find and destroy I-boats on ocean's surface. -
Bloody Anzio
lasted four months fought less than 40 miles away from rome. it left about 25 thousand allies and 30,000 axis casualties. -
Operation Torch
Unconditional surrender
The Battle of the Buldge
Death of Hitler
V-E day
Harry s. Truman