World War II

  • Hitler is Born

    Hitler is Born
    Surprisingly, Hitler was born in Austria. Later as he grew up, he also grew a passion for drawing and actually considered being a priest. He even told himself long sermons.

  • Hitler Publishes "Mein Kempf."

    "Mein Kempf" means "My Struggle." Hitler wrote it while in prison.
  • Stock Market Crash.

    After 10 years of prosperity, America's Stock Market Crashes and thus begins the Great Depression.
  • Mussolini: The Great Dictator of Italy.

    Mussolini became dictator of Italy in 1927. Hastily, he signed a treaty with Germany in 1936. In fact, he looked up to Hitler so much that he wanted Italy to become its own Roman Empire. The only other person more powerful than Mussolini was Emperor Vittorio Emanuel III. Later, though, because of his was very violent, he was arrested. He later died by being shot and was hanged outside a gas station along with his wife and some followers.
  • The Chocolate Bar

    For emergency rations during WW2, scientist made a chocolate energy bar. The bar was 1,800 calories, 4 oz, and tasted like a boiled potato so soldiers wouldn't eat them in non-emergency situations.
  • The Geneva Conventions

    The Prisoners of War (POW) were put in campes and treated poorly, so, the nations came up with the Geneve Convention. This gave POW rights and respect. Many signed the contract like America, Bulgaria, France, Germany, and much more. The only ones who didn't sign was the USSR (United Socialist Soviet Republic) and Japan promised to sign in 1942.
  • Period: to


  • Hitler's Speech to the Jews.

    Hitler gives a speech as a threat to the Jews. He blames them for all his and Germany's problems. Later he isolates them, marks them with the Star of David, and more.
  • A War is Brewing...

    A War is Brewing...
    At a meeting Hitler plans to attack Poland on August 26.
  • The Jews Start to Lose their Rights.

    (Unknown if Hitler organized this or not) All German Jews must give up their radio stations, or they will be taken away by force.
  • The Nations Tense...

    Belgium, probably out of fear, declares that it is a neutral country, and even fortifies its military for possible defense.
    Even so Minister Beck will allow the Soviet troops travel through Poland for an unexpected attack from Germany.
  • Hitler Ceases his Attack; Roosevelt asks for Peace

    Hitler decides to not attack Poland at 4:30 a.m.
    Same day President Roosevelt telegrams Hitler for peace.
  • Women + Children Evacuate London.

    Potential bombs lead to the biggest migration ever.
  • War has Begun...

    France, Britain, New Zealand, and Australia declare war on Germany. Two days later America quickly declares they are a neutral country.
  • The Battle of Britain.

  • The Uses of Radar

    Radar was first invented in WW2. They used it to detect enemy aircraft. In fact, to manipulate the enemies radar, they would drop little pieces of tinfoil while doing an air raid. Also, the same satellite they used for the radar they use for modern day GPS.
  • Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain.

    After Germany had already invaded Denmark and Norway, Germany turned to Britian. Of course, in utter desperation, Britian turns to Winston Churchill, hoping that he would be able to solve some of their war problems. Britian later won in 1943.
  • The Blitz.

    Short for the German ward "blitzbrieg," ( Lightning War ) was a time when the Germans would air bomb London, Britian. They mostly used V-1 and V-2 weapons. 32,000 civilians were killed and 87,000 were injured during this time. Ended May, 1941.
  • Execution Act 9066

    Ater that Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, almost all of America blamed the Japanese Americans for the bombing. Each person that had Japanese blood was sentenced to 4 years in camps that were guarded by American Military.
  • The Navajo Code

    In 1942, commander Philip Johnson came up with an idea for a secret code against the Japanese. The Japanese had already cracked the secret code for both the Army and the Air Force, so, for the USMC, Philip gave the idea of using the Navajo Native American language. This language is made up of sounds and is very complicated, so it naturally confused the Japanese. However, those who learned the code were in more danger of being accidentally seen as Japanese.
  • German W-Weapon Attack sends More Evacuation From Cities.

    Germans attack London and other cities with V-1 and 2 bombs. The millions evacuated from these cities in an attempt to find a safe place to live.
  • V1 and V2 Bombs Attack London.

    WW2 had many new technologies, which included the V1 and V2 bombs. These bombs rained down on London from 1944 to 1945, which killed thousands of civilians.
  • D-Day

    This was when the Allied forces bean fighting back with all their force. It surprised Germany so much that they started retreating from the European beaches.
  • The Battle of Iwo Jima.

    During a battle against the Japanese in Iwo Gima, a total of five marines and a single hospital man lifts the United States flag. Later, when the war ended on March 16, causalities were counted, and all the Japanese that lived there had died; a total of 21,000.
  • President Roosevelt Dies.

    Not long before the war ended, Roosevelt dies and Harry Truman comes into office.
  • Adolf Hitler dies...

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide because he knows he is going to lose the war.
  • VE-Day

    Stands for Victory in Europe Day. This was when Germany surrendered to the Allies and all of Europe rejoiced.
  • USA Bombs Japan!

    Since Japan had not yet surrendered to the Allies, the US made an atomic bomb. On August 6 they planted the bomb ( Little Boy ) on Hiroshima, Japan.
  • Atomic Bomb No. 2!

    On August 9, 1945, the USA dropped yet another bomb ( Fat Man ) on Nagasaki, Japan. 6 days later Japan surrendered to the Allies. In total, more than 200,000 Japanese were killed by both bombs.
  • VJ-Day

    Stands for Victory in Japan Day. This marks the last of WW II. In fact, Holidays were made in the UK, USA, and Australia for the end of World War 2.
  • It's Finally to an End!

    Japan Formally declares surrender, officially ending World War 2.
  • The United Nations.

    After WW2, the United Nations is born.
  • The Civil Liberties Act of 1988.

    Because of the injustice on The Execution Act 9066, the President made a new Act (Title) that gave each Japanese American victim $20,000 each. This totaled up to $1.6 billion dollars (3.67 billion in 2021).