World War II

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Event that led to WWII,
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    The Great Depression

    An event that led to WWII, causes of this event is the stock market crash, collapse of world trade, government policies; bank failure, and collapse of the money supply
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    Germany violation

    Germany violated Treaty of Versailles with conscription and remilitarizing the Rhineland.
  • Munich Pact

    France and Britain allowed Hitler to take the Sudetenland if he would demand no more territory 6 months later, he broke his promise and took all of Czechoslovakia.
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    Germany signed the Non-Aggression Pact with Russia saying that Russia would not interfere in Poland if Germany wouldn't interfere in the Baltic states.
  • the homefront

    mobilized itself for total war production almost overnight once the nation entered the war and an immediate conversion of peace time
  • Doolittle Raid on Tokyo

    planes would bomb Tokyo and then land in China and Russia. It shows the US is capable of striking the Japanese mainland.
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    US supplies

    US became allies biggest ornaments supplier and plants produced millions of planes, tanks, jeeps, and junk.
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    The Pacific Theater

  • Lend Lease Act

    This act set up a system that allowed us to lend supplies to any nation deemed.
  • War Bonds

    During WWII the US issues war bonds which is a debt issued by the government to finance military operations during war and went on market May 1st.
  • Pearl Harbor

    purpose was to stop the US from interfering with their invasion plans.
  • FDR declares war

    FDR asks congress to declare war against Japan Germany and Italy responded by declaring war against the USA
  • Battle of the Guadalcanal

    Using Guadalcanal and Tulagi as bases to soon capture or neutralize the major Japanese base.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Allies were caught off guard by a last offensive attack by the Germans at what would become the Battle of Bulge.
  • D-Day

    Allied troops landed on the coast of Normandy to liberate Europe & defeat Germany.
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    the battle of okinawa

    US defeats Japan on Okinawa and Japan loses 100,000 soldiers. Only step left is for the invasion of the Japanese mainland.
  • Germany's defeat

    The Germans surrendered and the war in Europe was over. Date celebrated as VE-day for victory in Europe
  • atomic bombs on mexico

    First atomic bomb explodes in the New Mexico desert to prove atomic bombs work.
  • atomic bomb

    the atomic bomb is dropped on the japanese city of Hiroshima. Plane named Enola Gay took off from the Island of Iwo Jima.
  • Paris Peace Treaty

    Series of treaties between the Allied powers after WWII,.
  • The Battle of Midway

    Japan hoped to defeat the US Pacific Fleet and use Midway as a base to attack Pearl Harbor..