World War II

  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany.
  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    While under the leadership of prime minister Bentio Mussolini Italy invades Ethiopia.
  • neutrality act

    President Roosevelt sighed the act banning travel on belligerent ships and forbidding the arming of america merchant ships trading with belligerents
  • Japan defeats China

    Japan defeats china and gains control over north china
  • Rooseevelt limits ships to Asia

    Roosevelt forbids U.S. from supplying Japan or China
  • Roosevelt Quarentens war

    Roosevelt gave a speech about peace loving nations to act together to quarantine others from war.
  • Attack on the panay

    Japan dive-bombs the american panay and apologize and pays reparations for lost lives
  • U. S. against Japan

    America goes against Japan
  • March of time

    anti-nazi propaganda labeled march of time released in Germany
  • Hiter supports japan

    Adolf Hitler announced he supports japan
  • anschluss

    Hitler declares Austria the third Reich