World War II

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Of course, it was Hitler's rise to power that brought WWII about. As Hitler tried to make Germany great again, he eventually went too far and forced the Allies to go to war with Germany. This was the start of WWII. ... Thus, the Treaty of Versailles led to WWII.
  • Holocaust

    Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especiall caused by fire or nuclear war.
  • Italy conqures Ethiopia

    Italy conqures Ethiopia
    Italy conquered Ethiopia becuase Benito Mussulini wanted to expand the German territories.
  • Axis Powers

    Axis Powers
    The major Axis Powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Hitler met up with leaders, and they had an agreement that Hitler could annex sutenland, and he had to promise not to invade anywhere else.
  • War is declared

    War is declared
    Germany invades Poland. Britain and Frace declares war
  • Ghettos

    Enclosed districts that isolated Jews by separating Jewish commuinities and non-Jewish communities.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany fianlly decided to strike and slowly take over lands to become the main power.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    A surprise military attack from Japan made it a day that will live in infamy. Japan bombed the military site at Pearl Harbor and many boats being desttroyed. The main one being the USS Arizona. 2,403 people died and 1,178 were injured.
  • Allied Powers

    Allied Powers
    The Allied Powers were Great Britain, The United States, France, and the Soviet Union
  • Period: to

    Japanese-American internment camps

    After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were put into camps. This was because of so many Americans hated them, and everyone thought it would be best if everyone couldn't harm them. These camps were in the west and 110,00-120,000 people were in these camps.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces invaded Northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy.
  • Human experiments

    Human experiments
    Doctors, in the concentration camps, would experiment on many people. Those including twins, gypsies, and the jews. These acts were crucial, and it was a big step cruelty.
  • Truman becomes President

    Truman becomes President
    Truman becomes president after FDR dies. Truman carried on with actions, and he helped end the war
  • Nazis defeated

    Nazis defeated
    The Allied powers had finally defeated the Nazis. This lead to many countries going back to their ways before war.
  • Auschwitz

    Auschwitz was a giant concentration camp to hold many people that the Germans found as un-clean. It turned into a labor camp, and people that were unable to work were deemed unworthy, and were sent into gas chambers, or they were shot.
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies
    Hitler kills himself in one of the bunkers, which finally leads to the Nazi's defeat. But many people reported seeing him after he "killed himself."
  • Hiroshima

    This was the first attack on Japan by the U.S. This is revenge for The attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • Nagasaki

    A second atom-bomb was dropped onto this location by the U.S. This destroyed the whole town. This devestation finally made Japan make a treaty.
  • Treaty of Japan

    Treaty of Japan
    This was the surrender of the imperial Japan. This treaty was finally the end of World War II