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World War II comes to Europe

  • Japan attacks Manchuria

    Happened in result of the Kwantung Army invading Mancuria. It made the Manchria's mad because they were invaded shortly after the Mukden altercation.
  • Germany & Japan Leave League of Nations

    Under President Woodrow Wilson's leadership, they hoped that making the decision to leave would be a stopping point to any potential wars after World War I.
  • US Neutrality Acts

    This Act was motioned under the leadership of President Franklin Roosevelt. The primary purpose of this act was to keep the US from being entangled with any foreign affairs.
  • Japan attacks China

    Japan attacked China as a result of fight between The Empire of China and The Empire of Japan. This took place in 1937, leading all the way up to 1945.
  • Germany takes Austria

    Under Hitler's leadership, troops were sent to Austria to gain control over their government. However, Austria wanted to come to an common agreement.
  • Munich Peace Conference

    This conference gave clarification as to why the war broke out. In addition, prime ministers Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier sign the Munich Pact with Hitler.
  • Germany takes Czechoslovakia

    Once again, Hitler sent troops to take over Czechoslovakia.
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    This act ensured that neither Nazi Germany, nor the Soviet Union would break out in war for the next 10 years.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    In an overall summary, Germany goes to Poland and drops bombs on them, using many of their aircrafts.
  • France Falls to the Germans

    Basically, France gives in to the Germans. Prior to making that decision, the French troops had been seen doing very little to nothing.
  • Battle of Britain

    Germans begin the first in a long time of bombing against Great Britain