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World War II Chronological Battles

  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    The German invasion of Poland is significant since it commenced World War II due to Hitler's intentions of gaining land and territorial power. However, Great Britain and France refused to allow Germany to obtain territory in which the two countries declared war 2 days after the invasion of Poland yet the country continued to resist annexation by "fighting" back against the Axis despite a loss(Poland vs Germany/USSR). The battle occurred in the country of Poland in notable cities such as Warsaw.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain reflected upon Germany's desire to strive for territorial gain. Great Britain's defense depended upon the Royal Air Force which prevented a potential invasion from Germany which elevated Britain's chance of surviving the attacks. The battle consisted of both Germany and Britain and was located on British soil near facilities that occupied aircrafts such as the Royal Air Force in which the battle resulted in Britain's survival.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa continued to show Germany’s desire to gain power by attempting to seize the Soviet Union. The operation ended in a failure for the German side in which the two countries collided in multiple skirmishes between the Nazis and Soviets. The battles were fought in Russia near Soviet establishments which baffled the USSR who were unprepared for German’s attempt to invade the country.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    The Battle of Moscow reflected on how the Soviet Union was able to retaliate against the Nazis and fight off potential invasion leaving the German side “fatigued” from battles. This signifies that Germany can be scathed if the opposition continues to fight back. The Germans attempted to overrun Moscow capital of Moscow yet the Soviets fought back to prevent further invasion in which the battles ended in Germany’s failure to obtain more territorial power.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The attacks of Pearl Harbor was significant to World War II since the Japanese air attack against U.S. naval base established in Hawaii exulted in the United States’ entrance into the World War after declaring war on Japan. The attacks commenced after Japan was aware of the United States aiding the Allied powers through material exports. The attacks occurred at the Hawaii naval base where individuals who were present at the base were surprised from the attack which led to multiple casualties.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad commenced due to Germany's continuation of gaining power. The continuation resulted from Germany's desire to invade the Soviet Union in which the USSR thwarted this intention by battling against Axis Powers which included Germany, Italy, Romania, Italians, and Hungarians in the city of Stalingrad. The battle resulted in a Soviet Union victory along with forming an alliance between the USSR and the Allied Powers.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Operation Torch exemplified the Allies' intentions of regaining territory from Axis Powers in which the area of Northwest Africa encompassed allies of Germany. This resulted in invasion of the Northwestern locations of Morocco and Algeria. The battle included American and British allies against French Moroccans and French Algerians with an Allied victory.
  • Battle of Normandy

    Battle of Normandy
    A notable battle resulted in an Allied victory after the allies traversed to 5 different beachheads in Normandy to reclaim western Europe from Axis Powers. The battle consisted of Soviets and American troops along with British and Canadian allies retaliating against the Nazis to diminish their reign. D-Day illustrates to Allies' determination to fight back against the Axis Powers that concluded with multiple casualties.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge demonstrated Germany's failed attempt to overrun the Allied Powers by expelling the Allies out of German territory. The Germans attacked by surprise which belittled the Allies preparation for a potential attack. However, the Allies of American, British, and Canadian soldiers continued to fight back against the Nazis and came out victorious.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The Battle of Berlin would eventually aid in the conclusion of World War II where the Soviets continued to fight off the Germans in the city of Berlin, Germany. The result ended in a Soviet victory and would be followed by Adolf Hitler's suicide on April 30 who was "conceal" in a bunker. Germany surrendered later on after multiple occasions of loss of immense power in which the World War ended on May 8th, 1945.