World War II

  • FDR gives his "quarantine speech" (U.S help in war effort before joining the war"

    when japan invaded china
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • FDR signed the Lend-Lease Bill (US help in war efforts before joining the war)

    lend war materials to nations of the USA
  • U.S cut off trade and froze Japan assets in the US (US help in war efforts before joining the war)

    japan took control over the gov in Asia, China and Manchuria
  • US entered the war

  • Period: to

    World War II: The Pacific theatre

  • Hitler invaded he soviet union (European theatre)

  • Pearl Harbor (event leading up to war)

  • Americans+ British invade North Africa (event leading up to war)

  • America and British invade North Africa (European Theatre)

  • Doolittle Raid on Tokyo (Pacific theatre)

  • Battle of Midway (Pacific Theatre)

  • Battle of Guadalcanal (Pacific Theatre)

  • Hitler takes control of most of Europe and North Africa (European theatre)

  • Invasion of Europe ( event leading up to war)

  • D-Day (European Theatre)

    largest amphibious operation
  • Battle of the Bulge ( European Theatre)

  • Battle of Iwo Jima (Pacific Theatre)

  • Battle of Okinawa (Pacific Theatre)

  • Firebombing Raid of Tokyo (Pacific Theatre)

  • Germans surrendered (European theatre)

  • Atomic Bomb used against Japan (peace process)?