Germany losses World war 1
Germany losses world war 1 ends. -
The league of the Nations was founded
The League of Nations was founded to maintain peace. -
The treaty of Versaillies
The treaty of Versaillies was signed ending world war 1 -
Hitler comes to Power in Germany
The stock Market On wall street crashed
Nazism Is the largest party in Germany
Franklin D Rossevelt Becomes the President
Germany leaves League of Nations
Hitler violated the Treaty of Versaillies by Introducing Military Conscription
Brittish Royal Air force starts to attack Germany
Germany Invades Poland
Brittain, France, Australia And The netherlands Declare war Against Germany
Canada Declares War On Germany
Soviet Union Take over Poland
Soviets Take over Finland
Franklin D Roosevelt is re-elected As the President
Japan invades Pearl Harbor
Pearl harbor Gets bombed by Japanese Kamakaze Airplanes -
Pearl Harbor is bombed By Japanese Kamikaze Bomber Planes
U.S And Great Brittain Declare War on Japan
Hitler declares war on the U.S
Italy Declares War on Germany
Soviet Union advance toward Poland
Brittish forces Drop 3000 Tons of bombs On Hamburg Germany