World War II by Emily Scott

  • Nazi's invade Poland

  • Nazi's begin euthanasia on sick and disabled in Germany

  • Assassination attempt on Hitler fails

  • Nazi's invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands

  • Evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk begins.

  • Germany bombs Paris

  • Norway surrenders to the Nazi's

  • Germans enter Paris

  • German U-Boats attack merchant ships in the Atlantic

  • Battle of Britian begins

  • German blitz against Britian begins

  • Germany attacks Soviet union

  • Goring instructs Heydrich to prepare for the Final Solution

  • Hitler declares War on the US

    Two days after Pearl Harbor.
  • Murder of all Jews by gassing

  • Germans begin a drive toward Stalingrad in the USSR

  • Hitler orders the execution of all captured British commandos

  • Germans surrender at Stolengrad in the first big defeat of HItlers armies

  • Jewish resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto ends

  • Himmler orders the liquidation of all Jewish Ghettos in Poland

  • Brittish drop 3000 tons of bombs during an air-raid on Homburg, Germany

  • D-Day landings on the northern coast of France.

  • Allies liberate Buchenwald and Belsen concentration camps

  • Adolf HItler commits suicide.

  • Unconditional surrender of all German forces to allies