World War II Battles

  • German Invasion of Poland

    Know as The official start of World War II, began with Hitler invading Poland trying to reclaim previous land belonging to Germany and trying to take over Poland completely.
  • Battle of Britain

    One of the first biggest Air Force battles of the war. This all started with Germany wanting to bomb Britain and invade shortly after.
  • Battle of Crete

    This battle was fought on the Greek island, Crete. The nazis performed an airborne invasion and Allied powers tried defending the island. The Axis powers ended up winning this battle.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    This was code name for the axis powers on an invasion of the Soviet Union. The goal was the conquer west Russia to repopulate it with Germans. Axis powers failed to do so outraging Stalin and breaking the pact they had.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese invasion, some may call surprise attack, on the U.S that ultimately lead the U.S to join World War II. It was technically a victory for the axis powers.