World War II Battles

  • Battle of Poland- September 1. 1939- October 6, 1939

    Battle of Poland- September 1. 1939- October 6, 1939
    *Germany uses blitzkrieg to overpower Polish army
    *Britain & France declare war on Germany
    *Make it to Warsaw (capital of Poland) in less than a month
    *Germany begins enforcing racial policies
    *Jews had to wear white armbands with blue Stars of David
    *Expelled 1000s of Poles and replace them with Germans
    *Begins World War II
  • Battle of Dunkirk- May 26, 1940- June 4, 1940

    Battle of Dunkirk- May 26, 1940- June 4, 1940
    Location: North of France
    Involved: British Expeditionary Force and Allied powers

    -Naval vessels and hundreds of civilian boats were used in the evacuation.
    -Germany’s invasions of low countries.
    -German Blitzkrieg attack on Netherlands.
    -Over 300,00 soldiers were rescued.
    -The evacuation boosted Morale.
    -The evacuation was successful.
  • Battle of Britain- July 10, 1940- October 3, 19

    Battle of Britain- July 10, 1940- October 3, 19
    Location: English Channel
    Involved: Germany and UK
    -Defense of Great Britain against unremitting and destructive air raids conducted by the German Air Force from July through September 1940, after the fall of France.
    -Won by Royal Air Force
    - Germany’s armored forces completed their blitzkrieg invasion of France. The French government collapsed on June 16 and was replaced by a regime that immediately sued for peace.
    -Demonstrated courage and the country’s military.
  • Operation Barbarossa - June 22, 1941-December 5, 1941

    Operation Barbarossa - June 22, 1941-December 5, 1941
    Location: Soviet Union
    Involved: Germany, Red Army, Soviet Union
    -Code name for German invasion of Soviet Union
    - Among the units were 19 panzer divisions and in total the Barbarossa force had 3,000 tanks, 7,000 artillery pieces, and 2,500 aircraft.
    -Soviet tanks equal to German.
    - The invasion along a 1,800-mile front took the Soviet leadership completely by surprise and caught the Red Army in an unprepared and partially demobilized state.
    -Largest invasion force of the war
  • Pearl Harbor- December 7, 1941

    Pearl Harbor- December 7, 1941
    Location: The U.S. Naval Base in Oahu Island, Hawaii
    Involved: Japan and U.S.
    -Surprise attack on U.S. naval base.
    -Destroy U.S. fleet
    -Weaken the resolve of the American People.
    -The Japanese failed
    - Before the Pearl Harbor attack, Americans maintained an isolationist stance and were resistant to become involved in the war in Europe. It was the most important naval base.
  • Battle of Midway- June 3, 1942-June 7, 1943

    Battle of Midway- June 3, 1942-June 7, 1943
    Location: Midway Islands and Pacific Ocean -Fought entirely with aircraft
    - The U.S. destroyed Japan’s first-line carrier strength and most of its best trained naval pilots
    -Japan abandoned its plan to expand its reach in the Pacific.
    -The U.S. had a successful victory.
  • Battle of Kursk- July 5, 1943-August 23, 1943

    Battle of Kursk- July 5, 1943-August 23, 1943
    Location: Kursk and Russia
    Involved: Germany and Soviet Union
    -Unsuccessful German Assault on the Soviet Union in the city of Kursk.
    -To recover the offensive on the Eastern Front, the Germans planned a surprise attack on the salient hoping to surround and destroy the Soviet forces within the bulge.
    -Encountered deep antitank defenses and minefields, which the Soviets had emplaced in anticipation of the attack.
    -The Soviets won.