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World War II Battles

By Axa0302
  • Germany Invasion of Poland

    Germany Invasion of Poland
    Germany and the Soviet Union were both involved ; German forces take over Poland through land and air forces.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Poland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, France, the United States and South Africa ; First major war to be brought by just air forces.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany fought the Soviet Union ; Germany and the Soviet Union signed political pacts for strategical purposes.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    Moscow ; The Soviets were able to prevent the most serious attempt to capture their capital which made it significant.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    America fought Japan ; Pearl Harbor brought America as one and into unity.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Germany with its allies fought the Soviet Union ; It was a major turning point in World War II
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    U.S and U.K planned an invasion on French North Africa ; It was known as their largest American campaign to date in the Atlantic theater.
  • Battle of Normandy

    Battle of Normandy
    Belgium, Denmark, France, Norway ; It was a huge force of over 150,000 soldiers in which the Allies attacked and gained a victory.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    German attack on Belgium, France, and Luxembourg ; It was the last major Nazi intervening during the World War II
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Soviet Union, Poland, Germany, USA, British, French came in later ; It was the last major battle in World War II