World War II - Glenn Meier

  • USA Declares War on Japan

    USA Declares War on Japan
    The USA declared war on Japan in response to their surprise attack on pearl harbor. Japan was attempting to destroy US fleet so they could not enter the war.
  • Pearl Harbor Attacked

    Pearl Harbor Attacked
    Pearl Harbor was randomly attacked in an event that the Japaneses believed would cripple our navy and not allow us to go to war. We declared war soon after the event. This event did not destroy a significant amount of the US navy, which was the main goal of the attack.
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    The Battle of Coral Sea

    The Japaneses were attempting to take control of the air in the coral sea, but they were intercepted by a US carrier ship and most of there planes were damaged or destroyed. This lead to any easy victory for the allies.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This event was a turning point for the USA. The Japaneses goal was to bring the American fleet into a trap.This failed and resulted in Japans defeat.
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    The Battle of Guadalcanal

    Guadalcanal was the first major victory for the Allies. The Japanese were building an air base but before construction could finish the US marines took control of the air base. the Japanese lost a large portion of there troops and were forced to evacuate.
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    The US was preparing for a full scale invasion of japan, but there bombers could not fly the distance without refueling. This lead to the US wanting control of island of Iwo Jima. This island had three airfields which would allow the invasion of Japan. This is one of the bloodiest fighting in world war II. The Americans won control.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    This was one of the last major battles of world war II. This was one of the last push by the Americans before they began there attack on the Japaneses mainland. The Japaneses did not attack the troops as they entered the island. instead they waited until they went on higher elevation and then attacked them.
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    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    This was the first time an atomic bomb was used in warfare. The bomb had the power to wipe out 90 percent of Japaneses cities. because the Japaneses would not surrender, the bomb was ordered to be dropped on japan. after seeing the effect of the second bomb japan had no choice but to surrender. Many civilians died from burns and radiation poisoning.
  • Japans defeat

    Japans defeat
    Because of the massive casualties and destruction the atomic bombs had caused japan had no other option but to surrender. This was against the Japanese way buy they had no choice.