World War II

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    German invasion of Poland

    The failure of diplomatic efforts to stop hitler continued desire for Lebensraum and led him to invade Poland. After Germany invaded Poland the USSR followed. This attack made Britain na France to defend Poland and declare war on Germany, marking the beginning of WWII.
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    Fall of France

    The blitzkreig tactic that Germany uses surprised the French and British causing a quick and the German advance towards Paris. Realizing the situation the French government surrendered to Nazi Germany marking the fall of France. France now controlled by Germany implemented policies that aligned with Hitler’s interest like: Laws against Jews and Deporting Jews to concentration camps.
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    Battle of Britain

    The German Air Force launched air raids on Britain. Despite the intense bombing, the British Royal Air Force successfully repelled Germany. Leading to a strategic victory for the allies.
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    Operation Barbarossa

    Nazi Germany launched the greatest invasion in history against the USSR, its ally. Germany had an initial success. Eventually the USSR reversed the attacks and Germany reatreated later invaded and controlled Berlin.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    Pearl Harbor was an American naval base in the Hawaiian island. Japan attacked it by surprise. This event prompted the entry of US to the war.
  • USA declares war

    USA declares war
    They believe that political ties should be avoided. And that European problems weren’t their problems. US joined the war when it was attacked in Pearl Harbor by Japan.
  • Mexico declares war

    Mexico declares war
    Mexico joined the allies in 1942 after Germany sank five of its oil tanker ships with U-boats. The 201st squadron of the Mexican Expeditionary Air Force was sent to te pacific. Fought alongside US against Japan.
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    Battle of Midway

    It was a naval confrontation, the US Navy decisively defeated the Japanese fleet. They weakened Japan’s naval power and shifted the balance in favor of the Allies. This set a motion for the US to start approaching Japan.
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    Manhattan Project

    Reaserch and development secret program of the US that made the first nuclear weapons. Led by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Germany wanted to the strategically important Soviet city of Stalingrad. They failed due to soviet resistance and harsh winter conditions. German soldiers eventually reatreated, marking the beginning of the Soviet advance towards Berlin.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    The Allied invasion of Normandy in the northern coast of Nazi-occupied France involved significant planning, it was a coordinated attack of about 1.5 million British, American and Canadian soldiers. Germany fortified the area with barbed wire, bunkers and mines. Allied forces successfully won and paved the way for the liberation of France and Europe.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    After Hitler knew he would lose, him and other officials committed suicide.
  • VE Day - Victory in Europe

    VE Day - Victory in Europe
    After a successful soviet battle of Stalingrad and the Allied invasion of Normandy, They advanced towards Germany. Seeing imminent defeat, Hitler committed suicide. War ended with Germany’s unconditional surrender.
  • Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The immediate impact of the bombing was catastrophic, causing intense heat, blast effects, and radiation caused. It caused destruction of buildings and tens of thousands of instant deaths. The radiation of the bomb caused long term effects.
  • VP Day - Victory in the Pacific

    VP Day - Victory in the Pacific
    After the first US bombing the USSR launched a massive invasion of Japanese-occupied Manchuria (China). The second bomb pressured Japan’s leaders to continue of surrender. Scared of a soviet invasion and another bomb Japan surrendered unconditionally.