World War II Assignment

  • The Manhattan Project

    This was Americas fist attempt at creating an atomic bomb. This operation was headed by General Leslie R. Groves and Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer.
  • End of the Battle of the Hedgerows

    End of the Battle of the Hedgerows
    Around 2,500 U.S. bombers flew over blew a hole in the Germany's front lines which allowed U.S. tanks to pass through the hole in there defences. This was the start of the end of Germany's fall.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Tokyo started to get bombed from above. America sent eighty B-29 Superfortress bombers over Tokyo that dropped hundreds of bombs. These bombers were running low on fuel and needed an island to refuel at. America chose Iwo Jima, this island was under japanese control to they needed to clear them out before landing. Around 60,000 marines were sent, and sucessfully cleared Iwo Jima but this came at the cost of around 6,000 marines lives.
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    This around six inches of snow, German troops marched westward, this caused their lines to literally bulge. This phenomonon became known as the Battle of the Bulge.
  • WWll a: Turning Point

    WWll a: Turning Point
    From 1939 to 1945 War devastated the world and it's strongest countries. Around seventy five million military personal and civilians were killed during this war. There were some positives in that the people of many countries like Britain, France, and many other empires gained indapendance.
  • War Ends in Europe

    American troops reached the Rhine River which was Germany’s final secure line of defense on their western front.
  • War Ends in Europe 2

    American tanks crossed the Rhine river. this caused German defenses to crumble American troops quickly marched to the East of Berlin.
  • The War Ends in Europe 3

    Soviet troops finally pushed through Germany's defense and reached the outside of Berlin. In his bunker located in Berlin , Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945.
  • End of War in Europe Final

    End of War in Europe Final
    Germany finally accepted the terms for "unconditional surrender". The very next day was called V-E Day which marked the victory of war in Europe.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb named “Little Boy,” on Hiroshima. This caused around 40,000 deaths instantly. Almost all of these deaths were of innocent people like children and babies. A second bomb called "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki causing thousands of innocent deaths. These bombing's were the final straw in Japans surrender which was 9/2/1945.