Between the Wars

  • Hitler takes office- Political

    Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi party. Hitler promised the people many new changes which ended up in creating yet again, another world war.
  • Collective Farms- Economical

    25 million Russian farms were taken by the USSR and joined together to make a large collective farm. These collective farms were created in hope of trying to stimulate outflow of farms.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact- Social

    Japan signs the Kellogg-Briand Pact. The Kellogg-Briand Pact renounced war in Japan.
  • Stock Market Crash- Economical

    On Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the US stock market crashed. Before October, many Americans were buying less goods because their families were too poor (uneven distribution of wealth). Factories then laid off more and more wokers to fit their financial needs. In October 1929, stock market prices started to decline because people only wanted to sell their stocks, not buy which caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
  • Protest of workers- Social

    3,000 unemployed workers protest at the Ford Motor Company.Company guards attacked the protesters.
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation- Economical

    Congress established the RFC or Reconstruction Finance Corporation. This corporation lent money to recover banks, building and loan associations, farming organizations, and insurance companies.
  • Treaty of Versailles- Political

    Hitler orders German troops into Rhineland, breaking the rules of Treaty of Versailles. Great Britain and France didn't do anything about it because they didn't want to start another world war.
  • Rape of Nanjing- Cultural

    Japanese troops commit unlawful crimes such as murder and rape.Over 300,000 people died during this period in time which Japan tried to cover up.
  • Munich Conference- Political

    Mussolini proposed a meeting that involved Great Britain, Germany, France, and Italy. This meeting focused on appeasement.
  • Kristallnacht- Social

    Kristallnacht is also referred to as the "Night of Broken Glass". German Nazi's invaded and vandalized Jewish businesses, homes, and synagogues.
  • Battle of Britain- Military

    A battle between the German Air force and Britain. Great Britain won this battle against Germany.
  • Stalingrad- Military

    4 millon troops pour over the Russian border. Germans made tremendous advances into Russia, until winter hit.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor- Social

    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The Japanese had either sunk or damaged 19 ships, in which 8 were battleshps, killed more than 2,300 Americans, and injured over 1,100 people.
  • Battle of Coral Sea- Military

    The Battle of Coral Sea was a two day naval battle. The battle was between America and Australia's Navy and Air forces against Japan's Navy and Air force.
  • Battle of Midway- Military

    The United States Navy defeats Japan's Navy. The Battle of Midway was fought at Midway Atoll.
  • D-Day- Military

    Allied troops storm the beaches of Normandy. More than 5,000 ships and 13,000 air crafts supported the invasion.
  • Franklin Roosevelt dies- Political

    Franklin Roosevelt who led America through most of World War II dies due to a brain hemorrhage. Harry S. Truman then became the President of the United States.
  • Hitler commits suicide- Social

    Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, commit suicide because Hitler realizes Germany lost the war and he didn't want to be taken captive. Their bodies were then carried and burned outside.
  • Test of 1st Atomic bomb- Cultural

    The first atomic bomb was tested in New Mexico. The code for the bomb was called Trinity.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima- Social

    The Bombing of Hiroshima occured on August 6, 1945. Truman had to make a powerful decision on whether he should use the atomic bomb. Many of Truman's advisers believed it would bring a quick end to the war, so he warned Japan. Truman told them to either surrender or expect "a rain of ruin from the air". Japan never responded to the United States message, so they dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima which killed around 80,000 civilians.