World War II and Holocaust Timeline part 1

  • Rationing begins in Great Britain

  • Auschwitz is chosen as a site for a new concentration camp

  • German Jews lose citizenship and are then deported to Poland

  • Soviet Union and Finland sign a peace treaty

  • Germany invades Denmark (8k Jews) and Norway (2k Jews)

  • The Lodz Ghetto is sealed off, containing 230,00 Jews

  • Rudolf Hoss becomes the commandant of Auschwitz

  • Germany invades France, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg

  • Holland surrenders to Germany

  • Allies begin to evacuate Dunkirk after being surrounded by German forces

  • Belgium surrenders to the Nazis

  • Germany begins to bomb Paris

  • Norway surrenders to Germany, Italy declares war on Britain and France

  • Germany begins to occupy Paris

  • France signs an armistice with Germany

  • Charles de Gaulle becomes the leader of the Free French

  • Madagascar plan is created, planned to deport all Jews to Madagascar

  • Battle of Britain occurs, air battle between Germany and GB

  • Soviet Union occupies Lithuania Latvia and Estonia

  • Period: to

    Italy takes over British Somaliland

  • Germany begins bombing factories and airfields in Britain

  • Hitler blockades the British Isles

  • Great Britain begins to bomb Berlin

  • Hitler plans to invade GB through the English Channel, known as Operation Sea Lion

  • Germany begins to bomb England, killing 40,000