President Hidenburg appoints Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany.
First official Nazi concentration camp opens in Dachau
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Boycott of Jewish-owned shops and businesses in germany
Nuremberg Race Laws
Summer Olympics begin in Berlin
Munich Agreement
The St. Louis sails from Hamburg, Germany.
Germaeny invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe
The Soviet Union occupies Poland from the east.
Germans establish a ghetto in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
Germany invades Denmark and Norway
Germany attacks western Europe (France and the low countries)
Battle of Britain
Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece
Germany invades the Soviet Union
Einzatzgruppen (mobile killing units) shoot nearly 3,000 Jews at the Seventh Fort, one of the 19th-century fortifications surrounding Kovno.
Einzatazgruppen shoot about 34,000 Jews at Babi Yar, outside Kiev.
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the U.S. declares war the next day
Nazi Germany declares war on the United States
Germans begin the mass deporatation of more than 65,000 Jews from Lodz to the Chelmo Killing Center
Warsaw ghetto uprising begins
Battle of Kursk
Rescue of Jews in Denmark
Adolf Hitler commits suicide
Germany surrenders to the Soviets