Signing ceremony for the axis powers tripartite pact

World War II alternate view

By JTubsy
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Hitler and his fellow members of the Nazi Party, with the support of the general Public and the natural power of persuasion successfully gain the seat as Chancellor and Nazi positions in the Reichstag. Eventually, in this position, the Nazi Party eventually seal the deal of power and control over Germany with the Enabling Act..
  • Munich agreement

    Munich agreement
    Hitler and his Army are ready to cross into Czechoslovakia and capture the Sudetenland to reunite all the Germans there that are under the rule of the Czechs. Hitler and Chamberlain make an agreement to allow Hitler take the Sudentenland and only the Sudetenland. Hitler successfully captures and reunites his fellow Germans in the Sudetenland but this is not all he is after.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The Poles are framed for invasion of Germany and Hitler decides to use this excuse to invade. German forces successfully crush the Polish forces and occupy the Western part of Poland as Stalin takes the Eastern front. German forces utilise little effrort and occupy Poland over a month.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    German forces are stronger and stronger each day. Britain and Frances declaration of war is of no use as the German forces are at the imminent point of the ability to occupy the majority of Europe.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Hitler attempts to gain air superiority over the RAF, destroy Politcial structures and instill fair in the hearts of the British. This is one of the major failures and drawbacks for Nazi Germany.
  • Tripartite Pact

    Tripartite Pact
    The German effort in War is escelated further as Fascist Italy, Japan and Germany agree to a 10 year pact of support in wartime. The Axis powers are made even powerful and have the intention of mass expansion.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    The Japanese attack Pearl Harbour in extremely co-ordinated waves and pratcially crush the US naval fleet . Albeit, the Japanese do not crush all of the American Naval forces and the US decide to enter the war. The Japanese are very swift in their actions to take out the Battle Ships in successful waves.
  • Wannsee Conference and the final solution

    Wannsee Conference and the final solution
    The Jews are too much of a handful for the Nazis but the methods of eliminating them are too inefficient and expensive. The Senior members gather at a Villa to discuss solutions that may eliminate them in quick, large bulks.
  • Battle of Kokoda Trail

    Battle of Kokoda Trail
    The Japanese approach from the north of Papau New Guinea. Young, immature Australian Soldiers approach from the north led by short lasting Captains. The Japanese again strike with swift speed and accuracy against the defensive waves of Australians who continue to fight with Courage. The Japanese are evetually sent in retreat as the Australians make a final stand in Kakoda.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Nazis drew closer to the Captial City of Moscow and have worried Stalin. In Stalingrad whole armies occupy the city of Stalingrad. The Nazis have the battle in their favour, but eventually the harsh Russian Winter kicks in and the Germans begin stacking up casulties. The harsh Winter takes out the rest of the German Army and the Russians then eleminate the entire Germaan 6th Army.
  • Normandy Landings

    Normandy Landings
    As a large force of Allied troops and vehicles assemble to establish a beachhead at the eastern front of France, the Nazis are overwhelmed and are abssolutely no match for the Allies.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The Japanese suffer the unfortunate fate of dealing with the mass destruction of two major Cities via the Atomic Bomb. Practically everything is destroyed in its path and thee land is contaminated.