World War II

By lzgg1
  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist (Nazi) Party

  • Everett E. Whitworth birth

  • First concentration camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin.

  • Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops.

  • Nazis burn books in Germany.

  • Nazi Party declared Germany's only political party.

  • Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany.

  • Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription.

  • Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia.

  • Robert P. George birth

  • Soviet leader Josef Stalin begins a purge of Red Army generals.

  • Hitler reveals war plans during Hossbach Conference.

  • German military mobilizes.

  • Germany invaded and occupied Poland

  • Start of WWII

  • United States proclaims its neutrality.

  • Nazis begin euthanasia on sick and disabled in Germany.

  • Assassination attempt on Hitler fails.

  • Germany invaded and occupied Denmark and Norway

  • Rationing begins in Britain.

  • Hitler launched a Blitzkrieg against Holland and Belgium both countries were occupied

  • British troops were pushed back to the beach at Dunkirk and had to be rescued by British boats

  • France was occupied by Germany

  • Barbara A. George birth

  • German U-boats attack merchant ships in the Atlantic

  • The Battle of Britain

  • German Blitz against Britain begins.

  • Carol F. Whitworth birth

  • Germany and Italy attacked and had successes in Yugoslavia, Greece and North Africa

  • Germany attacked Russia (Operation Barbarossa) and had made some gains

  • First experimental use of gas chambers at Auschwitz

  • Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor

  • Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor destroying ships, planes and radar stations

  • United States and Britain declare war on Japan

  • Japan took Singapore from the British

  • German air raids begin against cathedral cities in Britain

  • Stalin and Churchill meet in Moscow

  • D-Day landings on the northern coast of France

  • U.S. troops reach St. Lô, France

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Died

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Died
  • Harry S. Truman took over as President

    Harry S. Truman took over as President
  • VE Day

    Victory Over Europe Day
  • Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan

    The explosion was huge, the city was destroyed, and tens of thousands of people were killed. The bomb was dropped by a plane named the Enola Gay which was piloted by Colonel Paul Tibbetts. The bomb itself was over 10 feet long and weighed around 10,000 pounds. A small parachute was on the bomb in order to slow its drop and allow the plane time to fly away from the blast zone.
  • Fat Man, was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan

    Despite witnessing the terrible destruction of the bomb on Hiroshima, Emperor Hirohito and Japan still refused to surrender. Three days later, on August 9, 1945, another atomic bomb, nicknamed Fat Man, was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. Again the devastation was horrible
  • VJ Day

    Victory Over Japan Day
  • An International Military Tribunal (Judicial assembly) is created by Britain, France,the United States, and the Soviet Union

  • At Nuremburg, Nazi leaders are tried for war crimes by the above Judicial assembly

  • The United Nations establishes a Jewish homeland in British-controlled Palestine, which becomes the State of Israel in 1948