World War II

  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    It was a huge achievement because it showed their army that they would be able to overcome this. That they wouldn't get taken over by Hitler, and that they weren't backing down to Nazi's.
  • The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The Bombing of Pearl Harbor brung the US out of isolation which made the US immediately declare war on Japan. It then led to the US dropping multiple nuclear bombs on Japan.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    It was an important turning point in the war because during this battle we were able to defeat many aircraft, aircraft carriers, and many soldiers. It showed Americans that they were able to do this and gave them hope.
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    It was a turning point in WWII. It was the first time that Hitler's military had actually faced defeat. It was also a great boost in confidence for Germany resilience and the Soviet Union during this time.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    It was a quest sort of to kick the German's out of North America. It was one of the largest American campaigns. It was with the United Kingdom and the United States. Joined together in the allied powers.
  • Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Program

    Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Program
    It was a government program that was made for WWII. It was a way to help protect cultural property during and after the war. It was some security for the men who fought.
  • The Battle of Kursk

    The Battle of Kursk
    It was the world's largest tank battle. Over 6,000 tanks were involved. It was a war against the Soviet's and the Nazi's. The war was won by the Soviet's and aloud Hitler to not be able to take over Russia like he had planned to.
  • D-Day

    It marked the turn of the control that Germany had. It was a big blood battle, but it made a huge advancement in the world. Not even a year before this Battle the Germans surrendered to the Allied powers.
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    It was the last German offense in the Western front area. It was that they had no choice but to let the allied forces win. It also led to the win of The Battle of Normandy. Months later this battle led to the German's surrendering to the allied forces.
  • The Battle of Iwo Jima

    The Battle of Iwo Jima
    It is said to be one of the greatest battles in WWII. It was a very gruesome and bloody battle, but it was a step closer to getting to Japan during the time.It also helped being able to get direct hits to Japans bigger cities.
  • The Battle of Okinawa

    The Battle of Okinawa
    It was a place for the United States to have an airbase, so that they would be able to bomb Japan. It was also a bloody and fierce fight. Many soldiers lost their life, but it was also a good place to be able to achieve victory.
  • The Death of FDR

    The Death of FDR
    He is one of the greatest presidents to live. He helped us along the war, and always did what was best for America. He even was the president during the time that the nuclear bomb was made. He was just one of the best and will always go down in history as this.
  • The Death of Adolf Hitler

    The Death of Adolf Hitler
    He was the reason for the start of WWII, and also the reason for many people's deaths. He had killed so many innocent people, and had believed some insane ideas. After his death it was official that he had officially been gone, and people could live their lives.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
    It was payback for Pearl Harbor. It killed many people and very much damaged the city, but it showed Japan that we weren't playing, and that they can't mess with the United States. It was the one of two nuclear attacks.
  • Atomic Bombing Nagasaki

    Atomic Bombing Nagasaki
    It was the last of the nuclear bombs, and it made Japan finally surrender. Along with killing many people both cities were very much damaged. They didn't drop the bombs on Tokyo, but on these two places to show that we weren't playing and that they need to surrender.