Japan Takes Over Manchuria
On September 18, 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria. Japan was in desperate need of natural resources, and Manchuria had much oil and lumber to offer. -
Rome-Berlin Axis
Nazi Germany begins creating a pact with Facist Italy on October 25, 1936. On November 1, 1936, Facist Italy and Nazi Germany had signed a treaty of cooperation, thus creating the Rome-Berlin Axis. -
Anti-Comintern Pact
On November 25, 1936, Nazi Germany began a pact with Imperial Japan. This pact brought Germany and Japan together against Russia. This treaty became known as the Anti-Comintern Pact. -
Japan Invades China
On July 7, 1937, Japan invaded China. The invasion of China was intended to takeover China, and obtain more, desprately needed, natural resources for Japan. This only ended up initiating World War 2 in the Pacific. -
On March 12, 1938, Nazi Germany signed a pact with Austria. This pact promised peace between Austria and Germany, It also, in fact, annexed Austria into Germany. -
Munich Agreement
On September the 29, 1938, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich Agreement. This agreement forced the Czechoslovak Republic to cede the Sudentenland. This gave the key Czechoslovakian military defense positions to Germany. -
Slovaks Declare Independence
On March the 14, 1939, Germany began pressuring the Slovaks to declare their independence and form a republic. On March 15, 1939, the Slovaks did, and created a new Slovak Republic. This allowed Germany to occupy the Czech lands, which violated the Munich Agreement. -
German Pact with Soviet Russia
On August 23, 1939 Germany signs a pact with Russia. This pact was secret between Russia and Germany. This pact divided Europe into spheres of influence, and became known as the nonagression pact. -
Germany Invades Poland
On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. This invasion was to simply take over Poland for land, and military position. The invasion ended up starting World War 2 in Europe. -
Axis Invasion of Yugoslavia
Beginning on April 6, 1941, Germany, Italy, Hungary, and Bulgaria being invasions of Yugoslavia. The invasions tear apart Yugoslavia until they surrendered on April 17. 1941. -
Pearl Harbor
On December 7, 1941, Japan even after the takeover of Manchuria, Japan was still in need of natural resources very badly. So, the Japanese decided to launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese thought that this would cut off resources to the Allied forces, and they could seize the resources. However, this only united America's choice to join the war, and after the attack, it only hurt Japan. Pearl Harbor Video -
Japan Surrenders - End of WW2
After bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August of 1945, Japan at first would not surrender. After these bombings however, Japan finally decided to surrender to the Allies, identifying the end to World War 2.