World war II _KeatonKay

  • Period: to

    The holocaust

    Many of the Jews were gatherd and killed in mass numbers of people and brought to the camps by the carts from trains. This genocide brought death to over 6 million jews.
  • japan invades china

    Japan invades china on july 7th 1937. They walked through china destroying anyhting in there path. The jappanes also killed many of the people of china the ones they captured they used as bayonet practice. They killed many people because they didnt want the chinese to want revenge.
  • Munich Conference

    Allowed germany to gain control of parts of Czechoslovakia that spoke german. They wanted it back because it used to be part of germany before ww1 and they convenced the chechoslovakia goverment to give land back to stop the nation of germany to go to war this is called appeasment.
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    The non-Aggression pact was a deal between the soviet union and germany. It stated that germany wouldent attack the soviet union and the soviets wouldent attack the germans. This pact was supost to last 10 years. Joseph stallen wanted this time to build his army up.
  • Germany invades poland

    Germany claimed when they invaded poland that it was a defencive manuver. France and great brittian were not convinced that the invasion was defencive. two days later the french and british goverment declair war.
  • blitzkrieg

    The german attack strategy was also known as lightning warfair. this method was made to overpower the defending army by using ground and air attacks simultaneously. This strategy was very hard to defend while it was happening causing the endto many defences during the war.
  • Battle of Britian

    The German air force also known as the luftwaffa attacked great brittian in a large scale air attack. The royal airforce fought agains the german airforce secsessfuly defending great brittian thanks to the help of raidar. The successful defence of the royal air force caused germany to cancel there attack on great brittian.
  • lend-lease act

    The lend lease act was a way for the united states of america goverment to lend supplies to geat britian promotion the defence of the united states. This act allowed the united states to send wepons and vehicles to help the fight in europ.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa was code name of a german invasion of the soviet union. The german army entered the soviet union with around four million troops. This attack on russia was a fail. The operation was the largest military operation in the world but also had the most casualties.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The japanese attacked the navy base in hawii destroying most of the united states pacific fleet. this attack was a complete suprise for the americans causing two thousand people to die. This attack lead to the united states of america declairing war on japan. This lead the united states intering into ww2
  • Wannsee conference

    This was a conference of high ranking nazi officials to decide what to do with the problem of all the jews. During this conference they came up with the plan of the final solution wich was to kill as many jews as possible in consentration camps. This desision caused 6 million people to loose there life.
  • Battle of midway

    The american navy sucssfuly defended its self when they were being attacked by the jappanese fleet. the japanese fleet took unrepairable damage that crippled them for the rest of the war. this was the most important naval battle for the war
  • D-day

    D-day was the day that the allied powers stormed the beach of normandy to gain comtrol of the beach and be able to fight back into europe to gain control. this battle caused many deaths but the allies did win
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    Battle of the bulge

    The German army attacked Beligum, France and luxembourg. The suprise attack from germany cought the allied army off guard. The allied army fought hard and held the line stopping the germans from flanking behind the allied armys and stoped the death of thousands of people.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    It was a battle that united states fought to gain control of the island of iwo jima. The united states won the battle basically killing all the japanes people on the island. This battle allowed the united states to gain control of the island.
  • Battle of okinawa

    the battle was code named operation iceburg. the united states gained the island and used it as a air base off the coast of the mainland.
  • Victory in europe day

    This represnts the day that the war in europe came to an end. this was celibrated with lots of parties and celibration in the streets.
  • The bombing on hiroshima

    this was the first time that the atomic bomb was ever put into action. the bomb killed over twenty thousand people died. the bomb dropped was called little boy.
  • The bombing of nagasaki

    the bombing killed over fourty thousand people. this was the second bomb ever droped. the bombs name was fat man. this bomb caused the japanese to surender.
  • victory over japan day

    the day that japan surenderd to the unted states of america. this marked the end of ww2
  • Warsaw Pact

    It was a pact between the ussr ( soviet union) and 7 other comunist states. The warsaw pact was a defencive pact that was created because of the soviet unions disire to gain superior military power throughout europe. later this pact fell apart after the fall of the ussr.