
World War II

  • Jews lose the right to vote

    Jews lose the right to vote
    Hitler continues to take away Jewish rights.Images of Jews.
  • The Jews lose more.

    The Jews lose more.
    Hilter says that the Jews now have a curfew.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    Hitler sent 1.5 million Nazi`s to invade Poland at 4:45 am. He also sent warships, warplanes and U-boats.
  • Hitler invades France

    Hitler invades France
    Also known as the Fall of France.
  • Hitler invades Denmark and Norway.

    Hitler invades Denmark and Norway.
    German warships enter major Norwegian ports, from Narvik to Oslo, deploying thousands of German troops and occupying Norway. At the same time, German forces occupy Copenhagen, among other Danish cities.
  • Invasion of Holland

    Invasion of Holland
    Holland became involved in the war when Germany invaded it in 1940.
  • Operation Sealion ( the Battle Of Britian)

    Operation Sealion ( the Battle Of Britian)
    Alsi known as the Battle of Britian, Hitler gave orders to Luftwaffe (the Germen air force) to destroy Britian`s Royal Air Force, during this time 792 planes were lost and over 500 pilots killed.
  • The Bombing of London

    The Bombing of London
    43,000 people were killed in the bombing of London. London was bombed for 57 days, and over 100 bombs were dropped.
  • The end

    The end
    The Battle of Britian ends after the Royal AirForce did considerible damage to Luftwaffe, and over 1,547 allied aircraft were lost during the Battle Of Britian.
  • Hitler`s invasion of Russia

    Hitler`s invasion of Russia
    It was a battle of annihilation.
  • Hitler invades the Soviet Union

    Hitler invades the Soviet Union
    Under the codename Operation "Barbarossa," Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, in the largest German military operation of World War II.
  • Japan bombs pearl harbor

    Japan bombs pearl harbor
    This attack led to the U.S. joining the war. The attack was a big surprise to those that lived in Honolulu.
  • Thailand declares war on the U.S. and England

    Thailand declares war on the U.S. and England
    Thailand was just another Japanese puppet island. The Allies had hoped that Thailand would join they`re side, but Thailand went in a different direction, and started collaborating with the Japanese
  • Chain reaction`s first test

    Chain reaction`s first test
    On this day, Enrico Fermi, the Italian-born Nobel Prize-winning physicist, directs and controls the first nuclear chain reaction in his laboratory beneath the bleachers of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago, ushering in the nuclear age.
  • Italy declares war on Germany

    Italy declares war on Germany
    Italy declares war on it`s former Axis ally and joins the Allies side,
  • D-Day

    General Eisenhower led the U.S. army to the invasion of Normandy, France. On May, 7 1945 Germany surrenderd after the U.S. pushed into their territory.
  • Hungary declares war on Germany

    Hungary declares war on Germany
    On this day, the provisional government of Hungary officially declares war on Germany, bringing an end to Hungary’s cooperation—sometimes free, sometimes coerced—with the Axis power.
  • The Holocaust is over!!!

    The Holocaust is over!!!
    The Holocaust ends and the concintration camps are emptied.
  • FDR dies, and Trman takes over

    FDR dies, and Trman takes over
    On this day in 1945, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passes away after four momentous terms in office, leaving Vice President Harry S. Truman in charge of a country still fighting the Second World War and in possession of a weapon of unprecedented and terrifying power.
  • The Battle of Berlin

    The Battle of Berlin
    Having driven across Poland and into Germany, Soviet forces began planning for an offensive against Berlin. Though supported by American and British aircraft, the campaign would be entirely conducted by the Red Army on the ground as General Dwight D. Eisenhower saw no reason to sustain losses for an objective that would ultimately fall into the Soviet occupation zone after the war. For the offensive, the Red Army massed Marshal Georgy Zhukov's 1st Belorussian Front to the east of Berlin with Mar
  • Hitler is married!

    Hitler is married!
    Hitler is married to Eva Braun, and the worst part, they commit suicide one day after they get married!
  • Hitler is dead.

    Hitler is dead.
    Hitler and his wife, were in a secret bunker beneath the chancellor`s headquarters, and cyanide pills in thery`re hands swallowed them, and shot themselves for good measure.
  • The end of the Berlin Battle

    The end of the Berlin Battle
    General Wilding, the commander of the German troops in Berlin, finally surrendered the entire city to the Soviet army. There was no radio or newspaper, so vans with loudspeakers drove through the streets ordering us to cease all resistance. Suddenly, the shooting and bombing stopped and the unreal silence meant that one ordeal was over for us and another was about to begin. Our nightmare had become a reality. The entire three hundred square miles of what was left of Berlin were now completely u
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany  surrenders
    Germany surrenders after Hitler was found dead. Without their military leader the Germans gave up.
  • V-E day

    V-E day
    It stands for "Victory in Europe". It was the day after Germany had surrendered , for Europe, the war was over, but not for the U.S. and the U.K., they still had Japan to fight.
  • Atomic bomb created

    Atomic bomb created
    Oppenhiemer was ready to test what maybe the first atomic bomb and probably the most tense moment in history. Alamogordo, New Mexico was the location of the testing. THE MANHATTAN PROJECT: SUCCCEDED!!!!
  • Japan is bombed

    Japan is bombed
    "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"
    - Oppenheimer quoting the Bhagavad Gita, after the successful atomic bomb test at Los Alamos. After the test Truman (the current president of the time.) had to do something with it, it was then decided to go after Hiroshima,Japan. When the bomb blew, it instantly killed about 80,000 Japanese people.

    On this day in 1945, a second atom bomb is dropped on Japan by the United States, at Nagasaki, resulting finally in Japan’s unconditional surrender.The devastation wrought at Hiroshima was not sufficient to convince the Japanese War Council to accept the Potsdam Conference’s demand for unconditional surrender. The United States had already planned to drop their second atom bomb, nicknamed “Fat Man.'
  • V-J day.

    V-J day.
    `Twas the day when Japan surrendered, after almost six years of war!
  • My grandfather is born!!!!!!!

    I have nothing to say, this is for school.

    I have nothing to say, this is for school.
  • Dorothy Mckibbin!!!!!!

    Dorothy Mckibbin!!!!!!
    On this day, the manhattan project (america`s atomic bomb) got what they`ve needed! A secretary! They were having troule because men were just coming up the mountain asking if he could get a job there, Dorothy kept watch at who was coming up. They had to show badges otherwise, she wouldn`t lift the gate.