Hitler Goes to Prison
Htiler tried to take over the government with the munich putsch and gets taken down in a street fight -
Mein Kampf
Hitler wrote his book "Mein Kampf" while he was in jail. Mein Kampf means my struggle and it talks about the stuggle of his life in jail. The English was published in October 13, 1933 -
Germany Boycott
On April 1, 1933, the Nazis carried out the first nationwide, planned action against Jews: a boycott targeting Jewish businesses and professionals. The boycott was both a reprisal and an act of revenge. -
Nazi party congress
The rallies were primarily propaganda events, carefully staged to reinforce party enthusiasm and to showcase the power of National Socialism to the rest of Germany and the world. -
Nuermberg Laws
These laws prohbited germans and jews to have any kind of relationship or sexual contact -
Spanish Civil War
Spanish Civil War
General Franco assumed control of the military. He took control of Spanish Morocco after overthrowing the civilian government there. His next target was to invade mainland Spain, establish a military government there and rid the country of all those involved in left wing politics. The left would have to fight for survival. The civil war started in July 1936. -
Nazi Olympics
Having rejected a proposed boycott of the 1936 Olympics, the United States and other western democracies missed the opportunity to take a stand that. Germany won the olympics -
Japa Vs. China
Japan and china Japanese claimed that they were fired on by Chinese troops at the Marco Polo Bridge near Beijing with the total deat poll being 250,000 -
Treaty of Versaille
Treat of versaillesThe germans felt pain and anger toward the treaty of Versaille. So they didnt want anything to do with it they were just told to sign. -
Germany Vs. Austria
Invasion of austria On March 12, 1938, German troops marched into Austria. Hitler announced the annexation of Austria by Germany Anschluss, and a vote was finally held on April 10. -
Invasion of poland
Invasion of poland After heavy shelling and bombing, Warsaw surrendered to the Germans on September 27, 1939 -
Pearl Harbor
Attack on pearl harborThe attack of Empire Of Japan, which brought the US into World War II