world war II

  • Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi

    Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi
  • Hitler's beer hall putsch

    Hitler's beer hall putsch
    This is when Hitler decided to take Germany by force but he was arrested and spent 9 months in jail where he wrote his book and decided he needed to take Germany the correct way - by politics and election.
  • Hitler publishes his book "Mein Kampf"

    Hitler publishes his book "Mein Kampf"
  • Germany admitted to League of Nations

    Germany admitted to League of Nations
  • Wall street crashes

    Wall street crashes
  • Nazi boycott Jewish shops

    Nazi boycott Jewish shops
  • Nazis burn books in Germany

    Nazis burn books in Germany
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany
  • German Jews stripped of rights

    German Jews  stripped of rights
  • Civil war erupts in Spain

    Civil war erupts in Spain
  • German military mobilized

  • Civil war ends in Spain

    Civil war ends in Spain
  • Britian marches to war

    Britian marches to war
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
  • Random facts

    Random facts
    Germany creates their secret police.
    20065 jews were taken away and forced into camps.
  • Rationing begins in Britian

    Rationing begins in Britian
  • France is stormed by the Germans

    France is stormed by the Germans
  • Random facts

    Random facts
    Germany hangs many.
    Germany is brainwashed by violence
  • France falls to Germany

    France falls to Germany
  • Random facts

    Random facts
    Germany uses brutality.
    German victors treated like kings
  • Bombing starts in Britian

    Bombing starts in Britian
  • Roosevelt re-elected as U.S president

    Roosevelt re-elected as U.S president
  • Massive German air raid on London

    Massive German air raid on London
  • First units of German 'Afrika Korps' arrive in North Africa

  • President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act

    President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act
  • Britian allies with Russia

    Britian allies with Russia
  • Germany breaks treaty with Russia

    Germany breaks treaty with Russia
  • Germany at war with Russia

    Germany at war with Russia
  • Russia drives Germany out of Moscow

    Russia drives Germany out of Moscow
  • Germany surrenders to Russia

    Germany surrenders to Russia
  • Germany respects Russia

    Germany respects Russia
    The germans respected the Russians because even though the Russians were losing they didn't back down and were able to push the Germans back and out.
  • Germans air raid cathedrals in Britian

    Germans air raid cathedrals in Britian
  • Mass muder of Jews by gassing in Auschwitz

    Mass muder of Jews by gassing in Auschwitz
  • Germans take Sevastopol

    Germans take Sevastopol
  • Stalin and Churchill meet in Moscow

    Stalin and Churchill meet in Moscow
  • First all-american air attack on Europe

    First all-american air attack on Europe
    What they did was the U.S attacked the places run by the Germans with air raids
  • A German eyewitness observes the SS mass murder

    A German eyewitness observes the SS mass murder
  • Soviets begin an offense against Germans in Stalingrad

    Soviets begin an offense against Germans in Stalingrad
  • First bombing raid by Americans in Germany

    First bombing raid by Americans in Germany
  • Germans surrender at Stalingrad in their first big defeat

    Germans surrender at Stalingrad in their first big defeat
  • Soviets re-take Kharkov

    Soviets re-take Kharkov
  • Germans begin to withdraw from Tunisia,Africa

    Germans begin to withdraw from Tunisia,Africa
  • Germans evacute Sicily

    Germans evacute Sicily
  • Russians recapture Kiev in the Ukraine

    Russians recapture Kiev in the Ukraine
  • Soviets launch offensives on Ukrainian front

    Soviets launch offensives on Ukrainian front
  • Germans surrender in the Crimea

    Germans surrender in the Crimea
  • Germany withdraws to the Adolf Hitler Line

    Germany withdraws to the Adolf Hitler Line
  • British and Canadian troops capture Caen,France

    British and Canadian troops capture Caen,France
  • U.S troops liberate Cherbourg,France

    U.S troops liberate Cherbourg,France
  • Slovak uprising begins

    Slovak uprising begins
  • Soviet troops capture Riga

    Soviet troops capture Riga
  • Soviets troops besiege Budapest

    Soviets troops besiege Budapest
  • Hilter commits suicide

    Hilter commits suicide
  • Unconditional surrender of all German forces

    Unconditional surrender of all German forces
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan

  • Japanese agree to an unconditional surrender

    Japanese agree to an unconditional surrender
  • United Nations is born

    United Nations is born
  • World War 2 ends and trials start

    World War 2 ends and trials start