World War II

By Stuke
  • Nazi-Soviet pact

    Nazi-Soviet pact
    Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact.
  • Poland is under attack

    Poland is under attack
    September 1, 1939 was the fisrt day shots were fired in WWII. It was the day Germany invaded Poland from the west.
  • Period: to


  • Germany pushes west

    Germany pushes west
    German invades France, Begium, and the netherlands. Starting their push west.
  • Dunkirk

    The allied troops were backed to the beaches of Dunkirk. 300,000 plus men were evacuated from the beach using fishing boats and the smaller military ships.
  • france surrenders

    france surrenders
    Fracne gets over run by Germany. They aren't able to fight back they have to surrender.
  • Lend-Lease

    The Lend-Lease act allowed president Roosevelt to sell lend lease of give aeay any defence article to allied powers he wants.
  • Atlantic confrence

    Atlantic confrence
    The atlantic conference was an agreement between the US and GB to take back the atlantic ocean from Germany.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombed the US navel base located in Pearl Harbor Hawaii. They were attempting to scare the US out of war but got the opposit. We declared war shortly after
  • War between US and Germany/Italy

    War between US and Germany/Italy
    Both Germany and Italy declayer war on the US and the US declayers war right back on them.
  • Midway

    The battle of midway begins. This battle is called midway becasue it is the turning point/halfway point of the war.
  • Desert Fox

    Desert Fox
    The US and allied forces invade norther africa. They are led by Erwin Rommel the desert fox.
  • soviet victory

    soviet victory
    The soviets held at Stalengrad and out lasted the Nazi party. The Soviet were so determined to win the battle they would kill there own kids if they helped the Nazi.
  • italy surrenders

    italy surrenders
    With no leaders left to assume the role and lead italy out of war. They surrender to dewight d eisenhoward.
  • D-Day

    D-Day the day the allied powers stormed the beaches of Normandy, France to push the nazi party back and out of France.
  • Battle of the Phillipien sea

    Battle of the Phillipien sea
    After staying on the defence for awhile and takng losses at midway and coral japan decieds to go on the offensive. They arrieved unprepaird and were blown out of the water by the US.
  • Paris

    The allied forces had oushed all the way back into france and down to paris taking back and liberating paris
  • VE day

    VE day
    This day is known a VE day it is the day the allied powers accepted Germanys unconditional surrender.
  • heroshema

    The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. The bomb was named Little boy.
  • nagasaki

    The second and last atomic bomb used in ww2 was droped on this day on the japanese city nagasaki. This bombs name was fat man.
  • Jap surrender

    Jap surrender
    This is the day the Japanese officaly surrended. It took to atomic bombs and millions of lives for them to finally give up.