World War II

  • Japan seizes Manchuria

    Japan seizes Manchuria
    Due to over population, Japan needed to expand their land, and they start it with Manchuria. After that Japan stepped by step take over almost of SEA
  • Hitler invades the Rhineland

    Hitler invades the Rhineland
    The event show that Hitler went against the Treaty of Versailles and ready to start the war. This is one of the cause of WW II.
  • Battle of Atlantic

    Battle of Atlantic
    This is the longest battle in history (5 years) which ended in 1945 when German surrendered. In order to supply Britain, Canada had to send ships crossing North Atlantic Ocean, without supplies from Canada, Britain might surrender German, and give up all West Europe.
  • Start of the war in Atlantic/European Theater

    Start of the war in Atlantic/European Theater
    This event start WW II directly with the invade from German into Poland from the west, and Soviet from the east. And from that, with a short time, German take over most of Europe.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    This event surprised the world at that time. German and Soviet together take over Poland, become a base for Hitler take over most of West Europe within less than 2 months
  • Miracle at Dunkirk

    Miracle at Dunkirk
    British and France troops been rescued after been trapped by German. This miracle rescued 300 000 soldiers, decrease a lot of damage for Allies
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    Hitler forced occupied Northern and Western France, including Paris. The Fall of France meant that Hitler controlled most of Western Europe, and all attention of Hitler is for Britain.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    The fall of German at Britain is one of the mistakes of Hitler which cause the defeat of German in the end. It also started the first fall of German of taking over West Europe.
    That was a battle in the sky
  • Start of the war in Pacific Theater

    Start of the war in Pacific Theater
    The event start the war between Allies and Empire of Japan, which after 4 years, and two atomic booms at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Empire Japan unconditionally surrender, World War II end.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    It is a Nazi plan to exterminate all the Jews during WW II. Final Solution is the peak of Holocause, also the end of 90% Jews in German - two-third of Jewish population in Europe
  • Dieppe Raid

    Dieppe Raid
    After four attacks along the toast, allies surrendered with 907 Canadians soldiers killed. Even lost the battle, but that was a valuable lesson for Allies to prepare for the next battles
  • D-day

    The big fight with 11 months plan from Allies. After the fall at Dieppe Raid, allies learned some lessons before get to Operation Overlord. In the other side, German had a poor plan to defend this battle. In the end, German surrender at May 7, 1945. Hitler committed suicide, and the war at Europe end.
  • Canadians soldiers liberate Netherlands

    Canadians soldiers liberate Netherlands
    The Liberation of Netherlands marked the successful of Operation Overlord which directly lead to the surrender of German, death of Hitler.
  • Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The atomic booms killed at least 129,000 people. That was the only used of nuclear weapon in World history. This event ended WW II with the victory of Allies.
  • V-J day

    V-J day
    Victory over Japan Day is the day which Japan unconditionally surrender Allies, couples of week after that, Japan singed the surrender document which officially end WW II