Ww2 2 2

World War II

  • Richard B Russell Jr.

    Richard B Russell Jr.
    Richard Russell Jr.
    Richard Russell served in the US senate for over 30 years and was a governor of Georgia. He was one of the youngest to ever be elected to Georgia's General Assembly/Legislative branch. Russell helped the US prepare for WWII and he introduced 15 new miitary bases to Georgia.
  • Holocaust

    HolocaustThe Holocaust was a genocide where under German Adolf Hitler, over five million Jews were killed. Concentration camps, such as Auschwitz, were used to imprison, torture, and put prisoners to work. Although the majority of prisoners were Jews, many others were gyspies and landed on the LGBTQI A+ spectrum. The Holocaust ended on May 8, 1945 over ten years since it began.
  • Carl Vinson

    Carl Vinson
    Carl Vinson was a Representative of the US from Georgia. He served for more than 40 years in the House of Representatives and is known as "The Father of the Two-Ocean Navy". Vinson had a nuclear powered aircraft carrier named after him and was awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  • Bell Aircraft

    Bell Aircraft
    Bell Aircraft
    Bell Aircraft was a company that created the b-29 bomber, which was very techonlogically advanced for the war. Bell Aircraft was based in Marietta, Georgia and helped bring economic success to Marietta. Before the company was created, the city was a very unpopulated and rural area.
  • World War II breaks out in Europe

    World War II breaks out in Europe
    World War II Causes and OutbreakOn September 1st, Germany invaded Poland and two days later, France and the US declared war on Germany. This was due to Germany ignoring a final compromise from Britain saying that they would end all miliatry operations. Additional countries declared war, such as Austria, Canada, and South Africa. These countries then fought alongside eachother.
  • Operation Weserübung

    Operation Weserübung
    Operation Weserubung
    From April 9th, 1940 up until June 10th, 1940, Germany invaded Denmark and Norway. The code name given to these invasions by German soldiers is known as Operation Weserübung. Weser is a German river and Weserübung can be translated to mean "Weser-exercise". Over 5,000 soldiers were killed during these invasions, and Germany losst over 3,000 soldiers.
  • Savannah and Brunswick Shipyards

    Savannah and Brunswick Shipyards
    Savannah and Brunswick Shipyards
    While majority of the men were fighting in the war, many women built ships, known as "liberty ships". These ships were used to transport supplies and troops to European and Pacific fronts. Over 150 ships used in the war were built in Savannah or Brunswick shipyards. Many African Americans were employed in the shipyards.
  • Lend-lease Act

    Lend-lease Act
    Lend-Lease ActThe US gave support to its allies, afraid that Japan and Germany would win the war. The US spent billions of dollars on supplies to provide to countries (Britain, France, China, and Soviet Union). The US then was allowed to establish military bases in these countries. At the time of the Lend-Lease Act, the United States was not involved in the war, but still supplied allies when they entered
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    PearlHarbor.orgThe bombing of Pearl Harbor is remembered as one of the most horrific events in American history. The Japanese surprise attacked Perl Harnbor in Hawaii with over 300 planes. America lost over 120 ships and over 2000 people during the attack. This changed the US's standpoint of the war and caused them to enter it.
  • D-Day

    D-DayOn D-Day, also known as the Invasion of Normandy, the Allied Forces (Britain, America, Canada, and France) attacked German forces in Normandy, France. With over 100,000 soldiers, the Allied Forces gained a victory of which became the turning point of the war in Europe. Although the Germans sensed that an invasion would come, due to the tension, D-Day was a huge success and booster for the US.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Yalta ConferenceThe Yalta Conference, from February 4th, 1945 until Feruary 11th, was comprised of the heads of government of the US, the UK, and the Soviet Union, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. The purpose was to discuss the rebuilding of Europe after World War II. However, the Cold War began several years after the conference, which is also known as the Crimea Conference
  • Death of Adolf Hitler

    Death of Adolf Hitler
    Death of HitlerAdolf Hitler committed suicide from a gunshot and cyanide poisoning on April 30th, 1945, along with his wife Eva Braun. Just less than 40 hours before his death, him and Eva became married. Hitler was the dictator and chancellor of Germany from 1933 until 1945. He was in charge of the mass murdering of millions of Jews during the Holocaust.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    During the final portion of World War II, America dropped atomic bombs on Japanese cities, Hiroshima (8/6/45) and Nagasaki (8/9/45). This remains the only time in history where the use of atomic/nuclear bombs were for warfare. Over 120,000 people were killed in the bombing, and many survivors face mutations and geneteic abnoramlities in present day.
  • United Nations is Formed

    United Nations is Formed
    The UNThe United Nations was created and discussed on among the heads of government from the Soviet Union, UK, US and China at Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944. The UN Conference on International Organization opened in San Francisco on April 25th, 1945, after several monthes of planning. When the UN was founded, it only had 51 states, but now it has over 150 membering states. The UN's purpose is to endorse international cooperation among the world.