Germans Invade Poland
The Nazi forces invaded Poland with the Blitzkrieg, or "lightning war", tactic. Planes were sent in first to bomb out major positions, followed by tanks and artillery. Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later, on 3 September 1939. This event marked the start of World War II. -
Canada Declares War on Germany
Although not automattically committed to war because of Britain's declaration, the majority of Canadians were still held strong ties to Britain and were in favour of going to war. Prime Minister King promised only volunteers would serve overseas. Canada's declaration brought North America into the war. -
Evacuation of Dunkirk
In the Evacuation of Dunkirk 340000 British and French troops were rescued from France. They were being persecuted by German forces, but the Nazis did allow the evacuation. This was a moral victory for the Allies as their best soldiers were saved. The saving of their best fighters were one contributing factor to the Allied victory of WWII. -
France Surrenders to Germany
After pushing Allied forces to evacuate at Dunkirk, the Germans continued to push through the rest of France. France falls quickly, and officially surrenders to Germany on 22 June 1940. This proved how powerful and able the Germans were. Almost all of mainland Europe was now under Nazi control. -
Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain was the fight between the Royal Airforce (RAF) and Luftwaffe in the skies over Britain. The Allies were outnumbered, but held an advantage because of their use of radar. This battle included the bombings of both German and British cities. It continued until 31 October 1940. This ended with an Allied victory, and was the first time Hitler was denied a conquest. -
Germany Invades Russia
Hitler orders the invasion of Russia, Germany's former ally. By doing so he breaks the Nazi-Soviet Pact, atating a peaceful alliance between Germany and Russia and also stating the terms of the division of Poland. The Nazis are now fighting a two front war. Hitler expected to make it to Moscow within a few weeks, but the fighting was tough and winter was approaching. The Germans eventually had to retreat, and many troops died because of the harsh weather. -
Canadian Troops Arrive in Hong Kong
Almost 2000 Canadians arrived to fight the Japanese in Hong Kong. The battle took place from 8 December - 25 December 1941. The Canadian casualty rate was more than 50%. The Canadians were there as Hong Kong was a British colony. -
Attack at Pearl Harbour
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. They did not intend to get the US involved in WWII, but rather take out opposing naval locations in the Pacific. This event marked the beginning of America's involvement in the war in the Pacific and also the war in Europe. -
The Americans first declared war on Japan one day after the attack on Pearl Harbour, and three days later declared war on Germany. This strengthens the Allies immensely. -
Battle of Hong Kong
In the Battle of Hong Kong, British, Canadian, and Indian forces were attempting to protect the British colony of Hong Kong from Japanese occupation. This battle continued until 25 December 1941, and ended with a Japanese victory. -
Conscription in Canada
Prime Minister King originally promised he would not implement conscription in WWII. He asked Canadians if he could go back on his promise and implement conscription if necessary. Canadians voted 3 to 1 in favour of conscription with a referrendum. -
Dieppe Raid
In the Dieppe Raid, a force of primarily Canadian soldiers took part in an ill-planned attempt to take back part of the French coastline. The troops barely made it to shore, and 3400 of 5000 Canadians were killed, injured, oor captured. This was an attempt to create a greater two front war, and it's argued that Churchill was pressured by Stalin. The Allies learned many important lessons here that they used to help them become victorious at D-Day. -
Allies Invade Sicily
On this date, Canadian troops joines the campaign in Sicily. Sicily took 38 days to fall. This opened up the Mediterranean Sea and allowed for the fall of southern Italy and eventually northern Italy. -
D-Day Invasion
During the D-Day Invasion, the Allies landed on beaches in Normandy. This was the largest military effort in recorded history, and began the Allied liberation of the rest of mainland Europe, which would continue for almost a year more. -
Victory in Europe (VE Day)
The Nazis in Europe agree to an unconditional surrender, and an Allied victory in Europe is declared. The war in this part of the world is over. -
USA Drops Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
In an attempt to end the war with the least amount of American lives lost and in the least amount of time possible, America drops the world's first atomic bomb on the Japanese city Hiroshima. Three days later, the Americans droped a second bomb on Nagasaki. These two actions lead to the end of the war in the Pacific theatre. -
Victory in Japan (VJ Day)
On this date, Japan unconditionally surrendered. This was formalized on 2 September 1945. This finalized the end of the war in the Pacific, and World War II is officially over.