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World War II

  • Fighting in Britain

    Fighting in Britain
    Tons of explosives were dropped on England every day, but the British refused to give in ( Editors). The United States shipped arm and equipment and the United States was preparing for war too ( Editors). The Selective Service Act of September, 1940, began drafting young men to fight ( Editors).
  • The Future of the Allies

    The Future of the Allies
    Striking out across the Belgian plain, Hitler moved to France ( Editors). France was surprised and not prepared for the German attack ( Editors). The French signed an armistice on June 22, 1940 ( Editors). Then Great Britian was left to face Hitler alone ( Editors). The Germans had no time to lose and they bombed on English cities that caused great destruction ( Editors). In September, Japan joined the Axis powers ( Editors).
  • United States Enters the War.

    United States Enters the War.
    When Japan sought to take advantage of British and French involvement the United States and Britain protested ( Editors). Japan sent a delegation to negotiate the problems, and the meeting was a ruse ( Editors). On December 7, 1941, Japan bombed the American base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii ( Editors). Over two thousand Americans were killed and many were injured ( Editors). A large amount of ships and planes were sunk or destroyed ( Editors).
  • Germany and Russia Cooperation Crumbles

    Germany and Russia Cooperation Crumbles
    The German takeovers in the Balkan states affected the cooperation between Germany and Russia ( Editors). Hitler launched a sudden invasion of Russia in June, 1942. This created serious supply shortages for Russia ( Editors). The greatest enemy the Germans faced in Russia was the Soviet winter ( Editors). Taking advantage, the Russians trained in winter fighting and made a counterattack that drove the Germans back ( Editors).
  • Battle In North Africa

    Battle In North Africa
    There was a battle in North Africa and because of this Hitler had to send reinforcements to Rommel, thus weakening the Germans in Russia ( Editors). Another name for the plan the Allies had for the battle of North Africa was "Operation Torch" (Hart, Basil Liddell). The Russian front had been costly to Hitler ( Editors). After two month of bitter fighting Germany surrendered their army at Stalingard, this was the turning point in the war ( Editors).
  • Plans to Invade France

    Plans to Invade France
    Plans were made to invade France in June, 1944. Every detail was taking thought by Eisenhower and his Allied staff ( Editors). The task was immense ( Editors). More than a million men and their equipment had to be transported across the English Channel ( Editors).
  • Germans Pushed off the Italian Peninsula

    Germans Pushed off the Italian Peninsula
    The Allied forces moved northward through Italy and pushed the Germans off ( Editors). On August 25, 1944, Paris fell to the liberators ( Editors). By early September the Allies had driven into Belgium ( Editors).
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    In the face of defeat, Hitler refused to surrender ( Editors). When the Allies crossed through German lines in the west, the Germans staged an immense counterattack ( Editors). The name of "The Battle of the Bulge" was accepted by Winston Churchill (Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia). The "Battle of the Bulge" was won by the Allies at a huge cost in lives to both sides ( Editors).
  • Berlin Surrendered to the Russians

    Berlin Surrendered to the Russians
    Berlin was surrendered to Russia on May 2, 1945 ( Editors). The German army in northern Italy surrendered at the same time ( Editors). Mussolini was captured and killed and Hitler during the struggle for Berlin, committed suicide ( Editors).
  • The Allies' Victory

    The Allies' Victory
    The leaders of the United States and Russia met in the city of Torgau to discuss their strategy for ending the war ( Editors). In the view of the suffering Russians had met at the hands of the Germans, they would be permitted to enter Berlin to receive Germany's surrender ( Editors). The Germans wanted to surrender to England and the United States ( Editors). The Germans surrendered to the Allies on May 8, 1945, which became V-E day ( Editors).