Axis Powers
They consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan, they came together to take over against the Allied Powers. They were totalitarian governments. -
Hitler Attacks Poland
He used his Blitzkrieg strategy and Poland fell quickly. -
Allied Powers
Britain and France declare war. France takes the approach of perfecting trench warfare. The Germans blew through this disadvantage with their Blitzkrieg strategy. However, the British had a very strong air force which proved too strong to beat. They had the help of radar and the enigma machine. -
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Battle of Stalingrad
This is a huge turning point of the war. Germany had almost taken over Stalingrad, but the Russian winter annihilated the Germans. The axis strategy of fighting a two front war is thought to be what helped caused their defeat, they were spread too thin. -
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The Allied strategy
The Allies bomb Germany, and take over Italy. -
Italy Surrenders
Italy surrenders to the allies (part of the Allies strategy), and later end up attacking Germany. -
D Day
The largest military land sea and air operation in history. They fool Germany into thinking there is an army elsewhere. This helps push the war in favor of the Allies. -
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Battle of the Buldge
This is the last desperate German offensive, resulting in many losses and causalities for them. They don't have a choice but to retreat. -
Victory for the Allies
Germany finally surrendered with basically no allies. Everyone converges on them, and in the end, they have to surrender. This is also called VE day, or Victory in Europe day.