Adolf hitler is appointed chancellor
The German Govermant
The German Govermant takes away freedoma of spech, assembly, press, and freedom from invasion of prvacy and from house search without warrant -
the first offical nazi concentration camp opens in dachau
law excluding east Europe Jewish immagrants of German citizenship
hitler proclaims himself führer and reichskanzler, armed forces must now swear allegiance to him
hitler proclaims himself führer and reichskanzler, armed forces must now swear allegiance to him -
jews barred from serving in the germany armed forces
sachsenhausen concentration camps were open
hitler and mussolini form rome berlin axis
buchenwald concentration camps open
flossenburg concentration camps open
italy enacts sweeping anti-sematic laws
all jewish pupils were expelled from school
the germany army invades poland and the would war II begins
forst polish ghetto is established in piotrkow
battle of britain begins
warsaw ghetto sealed ultimately contained 500,000 people
anti-jewish in romania hindreds of jews were killed
bulgaria joins axis
japan bombs pearl harbor
germanys 6th army surrendaers
groud of germans attempt to assasonate hitler
hitler commits suicide
Germany surrenders and the war in Europe ends
bombing of Nagasaki
japan surrenders and world war II comes to an end