The Japanese Military Invades Chinese Manchuria
In 1931 the japanese owned the Manchurian railway. In September 1931, they claimed that Chinese soldiers had sabotaged the railway, and attacked the Chinese army. By February 1932, the Japanese had conquered the whole of Manchuria. Thousands of Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed. china apealed to the League of Nations. The League sent a delegation to Manchuria to see what was happening. it reported back a year later, it said the japanese were completely wrong but did nothing. -
Period: to
Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
President Hindenburg places hitler as second in command of the wehmar republic to quiet his growing influence and redorick -
Hitler Becomes the Fuhrer of Germany
With president Hindenburg dead Hitler now has almost unlimited power he uses those powers to become the dictator or Fuhrer of Germany Hitler is hell bent on reversing the Treaty of Versailles and restoring the power of Germany. -
Italy invades Ethiopia
Mussolini ignored the League, and invaded Abyssinia.
The League banned weapons sales, and put sanctions on rubber and metal.The Abyssinian Emperor Haile Selassie went to the League to appeal for help, but it did nothing else – in fact Britain and France secretly agreed to give Abyssinia to Italy (the Hoare-Laval Pact).Italy conquered AbyssiniaThe League had failed. -
Germany reoccupies the Rhineland
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in July 1919–eight months after the guns fell silent in World War I–called for stiff war reparation payments and other punishing peace terms for defeated Germany. Having been forced to sign the treaty, the German delegation to the peace conference indicated its attitud -
Japan Invades China
the japanese begin invading the rest of the chinese mainland after the marco polo bridge incident they sweep through the weak chinese defences -
Rape of Nanking
the japanese troops enter the then chinese capital and massacure 100s of thousands of innocent civilians men women and children it fostered great resentment of japanese in china to this day -
Hitler takes Austria
hitler decares anchluss when against the treaty of versailles the nazis invade austria and incorperate it into the third reich it shows the weakness of the British and French Allies -
Munich Agreement Signed
the British and french try to overt WWII by appeasing Hitler and give him the czech sudetinland an area of czechesuvakia with a substanchial german minority it allowed germany to take over the rest of czechesluvakia a year later and showed allied weakness once again -
Ribbentrop/Molotov Pact
the germans and soviets agree to not fight each other and secretly agree to divide poland this gives hitler releif from the threat of a two front war -
Germany Invades Poland
german soldiers in polish uniforms attach a radio station on the german side of the border hitler uses this to justify an attach on poland he also wanted to connect east prussia to the rest of germany germany took half of poland and the soviet union took the rest in accordance with the nazi soviet non aggression pact signed on august 23rd it finally made britain and france declare war on germany -
Occupation of Norway begins
hitler wanted norway because it would make a blockade of germany imposible and would insure his iron ore supply from neutral sweden would be secure with the help of the norwegen nazis led by Vidkun Quisling. -
Belgium invaded by Hitler
as part of the planned invasion of western europe hitler invades neutral belgium it is commanded by men like erwin rommel and heinz guderian. the fortress of ebal emil was assulted and fell within hours the belgians capitulated within the week. this left the allies vunerable -
Dutch Captitulate
one day after the port city of rotterdam was bombed by the luftwaffe the duch forces surrender to the nazis -
Lend Lease Bill signed
the us president FDR signed lend lease while the united states was still technicallly neutral in order to help britain china and later the soviet union to hold out against the axis powers we would provide them with the means to wage war and worry about payment later. -
operation barrbarossa Begins
hiter wanting lebensram or room to live for the german people invaded the soviets the soviet armed forces had been devistated by purges in the late 1930s and its equiptment was dated its men porly trained. hitler got to within 30 miles of red square but could advance no futher the bitter russian winter had set in. -
Pearl Harbour Attacked
a date which will live in infamy the united states was attacked by the naval and air forces of the empire of japan. the united states declared war on the us after the nazis declared war on the united states the united states declared war on germany the us fleet was desimated but the aircraft carriers were not in port and were spaired that day the japanese also invaded hong kong milaya the dutch east indies sinapore and the phillipines. -
Wannsee Conference
hitler and the SS the organization in charge of the ethnic cleansing of germany decided how they would exicute the final solution. -
Bataan Death March
the japanese had driven the us forces from manila the capital of the phillipines to the bataan penninsula where they waited for a reilief force that never came the japanese then marched the american prisoners to a railroad station for internment. thousands died along the way -
Doolittle Raid
jimmy doolittle and his crew went on a daring mission they bomb japan with heavy bombers in planes not designed for carriers the B-17 it does little damage but it stuns the japanese public who thought they were so close to victory. the pilots flew into japanese occupied china and hoped to find sympathetic chinese to hide them the planes flew from the USS hornet -
Battle of the Coral Sea
the us navy looses the USS Lexington one off its few carriers left it was the first battle of the war that ships were out of visual range it was instead fought from planes flying from carriers at the begining of the war most nations capital ships were battleships. this battle changed all that -
Battle of Midway
in this battle the us makes a desisive deafeat of the japanese imperial navy the us looses 1 carrier the yorktown while the japanese loose 3 and this is a blow the japanesed military will not be able to recover from the japanese were weakining while the us was still growing stronger at a rate the japanese couldnt match -
Battle of Stalingrad
this year long battle between the nazis and soviets was an epic battle if the russians couldnt stop the nazis here they would cross the volga into the russian motherland at the begining the germans came close to winning but russian manpower soon meant that general paulus was encircled by zhukov and the red army -
Battle of El Alamein
the british in north africa finally halt rommels advance at the quattara depression in egypt from this point on american aid will keep rommel for the most part on the defensive -
Battle of Kasserine Pass
after the sucsess of operation Torch the us army was in for a nasty suprise when rommel ambushes the us troops at kasserine pass this is a wakup call to the us army and provides them with needed combat experience. -
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
after hearing there homes are to be liquidated the jews in the warshaw ghetto revolt agaisnt the nazis with stollen guns and equiptment. they are eventually forced back and sent to the camps. -
Operation Gomorrah
the RAF and USAAF bomb germany around the clock the british bomb at night and the US bomb by day they wipe entire german cities of the map to break german will and industrial output. -
Patton wins race to Messina
patton beats montgomeray to the first major european city to be liberated they can now push on the the rest of italy -
Allied Troops land in Mainland Italy
the allied troops land at anzio italy the germans pour in reinforcements to defend there southern flank the nazis are now an occupation force instead of an ally -
Tehran Conference
the allies formulate there plan of attack on germany -
D-Day Landings
the us launch there assult to relive soviet suffering and open anouther front on hitler the allies make rapid progress into france from normandy and eventually take paris -
Battle of the Phillipine sea
this battle finishes off japans naval air power and weakens its navy even futher -
Operation Thunderclap
air raids on berlin to destroy moral of the german people it would kill 100s of thousnads of people -
Battle of leyte gulf
finishes off the rest off japans surface fleet -
Battle of the bulge begins
the nazi Waffen SS charges through the ardenne forset to attemt to capture the belgian port of antwerp it fails but does come close to sucedding -
Auschwitz liberated
the Soviet red army liberated thousands of dead and dying victems of hitlers final solution -
Yalta Confrence
plan the final destruction of the nazis and japan -
Battle of Iwo Jima
the us attacks iwo jima for us bombers to attack japan 25,000 go in 20,000 casualties bloodiest day in marine corps history -
US invades Okinawa
the island of okinawa will be the staging point for the invasion of the japanese home islands of honshu shikoku kyushu hakkido 20,000 us killed made the us fight for every inch very bloody afair -
FDR Dies
harry s truman becomes president truman was the longest serving us president ever -
Hitler Commits Suicide
hitler shoots himself eva brahn his newly married wife takes poison although he might be in argentina -
VE Day
Victory in Europe day Nazi germany is defeated and hitler is dead go team -
Potsdam Declaration
Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
enola gay dropped the uranium bomb little boy on hiroshima 150,000 deaths many die slowly of radiation -
Soviets declare War on Japan
just as promised at yalta the soviet dictator joseph stalin invaded japanese occupied machuria the kurile islands and sakalin island the japanese under attack from all sides faced total destruction -
Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagisaki
the japanese still havent accepted the potsdam declaration the us trops a second bomb on the military port of nagasaki bocks car carring the plutonium bomb fat man levels the city -
Japan Surrenders
abourd the uss missouri now moured in pearl harbour the japanese military signed the instrement of surrender ending the deadliest war in history.