Start of WWII
Germany invades Poland -
Britain and France Join the War
Britain and France declare war against Germany -
Congress enacts the first peacetime draft in America's history -
FDR is reelected for a third term
France Surrenders
France surrenders to Germany -
Japan Joins Axis Powers
This happens in response to America's embargo on Japan -
Aucshwitz becomes a Killing Center
Chelmo killing center is opened
Roosevelt and Churchill draft the Atlantic Charter
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japanese fighter planes attack Pearl Harbor -
U.S at War
The Axis powers declare war on the US -
Treblinka is Opened
US troops land in Africa
Jews are rescued from Denmark
Russia traps Germany
Italy Surrenders
Italy surrenders to the Allied powers -
Allies capture Naples
The Allied come together
They combine their troops, planes, and ships to get ready for D-Day. -
The first of 3 million Allied troops land on the northern shores of France -
US liberates Jews from Dachau Camp
FDR dies
Germany Surrenders
Germany signs and unconditional surrender -
United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima kills 75,000 and injures over 100,000 -
United states drops a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki -
End of WWII
Japan surrenders to the Allies