Japan invades Manchuria
Kwatung army invaded manchuria shortly after the mukden accedent. After the war the japs made a puppet modle of the battleground. Japan invaded without declorations of war and broke a rule of the treaty. Japan had little resorces and wanted to gain some and land. The japanese likely caused the incedent forcing the invasion on manchuria. -
Hitler invaded poland
Hitler invades poland as one of the first invasions on his list. He wanted to unite all the german speaking countries together. Hitler also had a mass plan to gather up all of the jews.
Hitler was hungry for power and thought germany deserved it. -
Atlantic Charter
An important document that set out all of the nations that would allie post war. The main countries were the us and britin who allied with 26 nations who would support them. they invisoned the steps of the enemy and decided what they counter with. The 26 nations all worked together to win. -
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
Japan attacks an american naval ships witch would declair war on the axis powers and would fully join the united states into the war. Japan wanted to suprise america and move to the indies as fast as possible to harvest rescorses. America was mad at this after declairing war later decided on droping the attom bomb on two of their territories. The attom bomb had more of an affect than we thought with tons of leftover radiation. -
US joins World War II
After the attack on U.S naval ships we declair war on the axis powers. The axis powers shot our naval bases, merchant ships, and killed civilians. We had more power than them and ended winning with them surrendering. The us lost troops,ships,mechanics and other things. -
One of the longest wars faught through the cities of Russia and one of the last battles to go down. With shrinking german forces they were surrounded and the resistance was killed.
they were forced to surrender and sighn off that they lost the war. The germans were not happy and were forced harsh punishments for their war crimes. -
Largest inland invasions with the storming of normandy beach. The attack was split into multiple beaches and sectors each countrie had a section to invade. The germans knew of the attack but were clueless where it would happen. They were lead to believe it was in the wrong spot and ended in a allied victory. -
Battle of the Bulge
Last major offensive push by germany who were pushed back by the defensive counter attack. The attack/battle was long and harsh but ended up pushing the attackers out with the allied win. The battle was known for binging the end to germany 5 days later they surrendered. -
V-E Day
V-E day or victory in europe day was the offical end of the war. Allied forces had surrounded the german forces pushing them in and closing them off of esscape. They later surrendered and called for no more war. The battle was long lasting with multiple casualties. -
tomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
The atomic bomb was droped on nagasaki and heroshima shortly after the attack on american naval bases. The bomb had major affect on the people but was not full proof. the people had major radiation sickness and death. They did not attack after that and would drop out of the war shortly after.