World War II - Giselle Mercado, Nayeli Esquivel A1

  • Nazi Olympics

    Nazi Olympics
    Hitler hosted the summer Olympics. It was an international multi-sport event hosted in Berlin, Germany.
  • Germany Riots

    Germany Riots
    Riots broke out across Germany. The attack came to be called Kristallnacht which means the night of broken glass.
  • Nonaggression Pact

    Nonaggression Pact
    Hitler announces a nonaggression pact with Stalin's Soviet Union. With this pact Stalin agreed to stay out of Germany's way. Hitler also agreed not to attack the Soviet Union.
  • Poland Attacks

    Poland Attacks
    Germany claims it has been attacked by Poland. Once this claim comes out, German troops launched a massive invasion of Poland.
  • War declared on Germany

    War declared on Germany
    Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. They became known as the Allies.
  • Cash-and-Carry Law

    Cash-and-Carry Law
    Congress passes cash-and-carry law to ease the sale of arm to countries at war.
  • Czechoslovakia Captured

    Czechoslovakia Captured
    Hitler sent his troops into Czechoslovakia to capture it.
  • Japan's Government Resigns

    Japan's Government Resigns
    Strong pressure from Tojo forced Japan's government to resign.
  • American Forces in North Africa and Italy

    American Forces in North Africa and Italy
    The British and Italian began a battle for North Africa. Rommel's forces and the British fought a back and fourth battle for control of North America.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, tremendous success for the Japanese.
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    Roosevelt asked Congress for a declaration of war. He was furious that Japan had meant to deceive the U.S.
  • War declared on U.S.

    War declared on U.S.
    Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. The nation entered WWII as one of the Allies.
  • Fortunes shift in the Pacific

    Fortunes shift in the Pacific
    The loss of the Philippines was a low point for the United States in the Pacific war. Army Lieutenant Colonel led a group of 16 American bombers.
  • The Allies Make Progress

    The Allies Make Progress
    The Battle of Midway had changed the entire balance of power in the Pacific. Japanese naval power, was greatly reduced. Americans began to make plans of their own in the pacific.
  • Zoot Suit Riots

    Zoot Suit Riots
    White sailors stationed in L.A. fought with groups of Mexican American youths during a week of terrible violence.
  • D-Day

    Attack began with soldiers parachuting behind German lines to try to secure key sites, the first fay of the Allied invasion of Normandy in World War II.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Germans launched a surprise offensive of their own. Hitler's forces threatened to win back vital ground from the Allies.
  • Hitler's Death

    Hitler's Death
    On April 30th Hitler finally recognized that all hope was lost. He committed suicide in his Berlin bunker.
  • End of the Holocaust

    End of the Holocaust
    The Holocaust was a genocide during WWII. Nazi Germany murdered 6 million European Jews.
  • Japan's Surrender

    Japan's Surrender
    Announced on August 15 and formally signed on September 2, 1945. Bringing hostilities of World War II to a close.