World War II

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Peace treaty at the end of World War 1
  • Benito Mussolini

    Estabished fascist party. Believed that power must rest with a single power and a small group of devoted party members.
  • Japan conquers Manchuria

    Manchuria was invaded by the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan immediately following the Mukden Incident.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler was appointed Chancellor and sets up Dachau concentration camp
  • Hiter - Concentration Camps

    After Hitler became Chancellor and his NSDAP was given control over the police through Reich Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick and Prussian Acting Interior Minister Hermann Göring. The camps used to hold and torture political opponents and union organizers, the camps held around 45,000 prisoners (jews) by 1933, and were greatly expanded after Reichstag fire of that year.
  • General Francisco Franco Rebellion

    The African Army rebelled, detaining their commanders. On 18 July, Franco published a manifesto and left for Africa, where he arrived the next day to take command.
  • Spanish civil war

    The Spanish Civil War was fought from 17 July 1936 to 1 April 1939 between the Republicans, who were loyal to the Spanish republic, and the Nationalists, a rebel group led by General Francisco Franco.
  • Hitler- Land of neighbors

    Hitler met secretly with his top military advisors. He boldly declared that to grow and prosper Germany needed the land of its neighbors. His plan was to absorb Austria and Czechoslovokia into the Third Reich.
  • Munich agreement

    Daladier and Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement, which turned the Sudetenland over to Germany without a single shot being fired. They did this in their eagerness to avoid war.
  • Czechoslovakia Take Over

    Hitler was not finished expanding the Third Reich. German troops poured into what remained of Czechosolovakia. After conquering Czechoslovakia he turned to Poland.
  • Stalin non-aggression pact

    Once bitter enemies fascist Germany and Communist Russia commited never to attack each other.
  • Secret Pact

    Germany and the Soviet Union signed a second secret pact, agreeing to divide Poland between one another.
  • Blitzkrieg in Poland

    The German air force roared over Poland dropping their bombs on military bases, airfields, railroads and cities. While the air force did this their tanks roamed through the Poland countryside causing terror. This was the start of WWII
  • Germany Invades Poland

    German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west. As the Germans advanced, Polish forces withdrew from their forward bases of operation close to the Polish–German border to more established lines of defence to the east.
  • France and UK declare war

    Poland had a pact with France and the UK. The two countries had declared war on Germany though in the end their aid to Poland in the September campaign was very limited.
  • Hitler attack

    Hitler launched a surprisse invasion on Denmark and Norway in order "to protect freedom and independence." But he really wanted to build bases along the coast to strike at Great Britian.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor with the intent as a preventive action in to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan was planning in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States.
  • U.S. declares war

    The U.S. declares war on Japan the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Final Solution

    The Final Solution was Nazi Germany's plan during World War II to annihilate the Jewish people, resulting in the most deadly phase of the Holocaust.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Japan surrenders after the United States drops atomic bombs on Hroshima and Nagasaki.