• Potsdam conference

    -Lasted until August 2nd
    -Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States-Reps: Stalin, Churchill, and Truman. -Discussed how they were going to punish Nazi Germany -Also discussed post-war order and peace treaties issue
  • Munich Pact

    Daldier amd Chamberlain turned Sudetenland over to Germany without a fight
  • Molotov-Ribbentrop Pac

    Treaty of Non-Aggression betweenGermany and the Soviet Union
  • Cash and Carry

    -Allowed for ally nations to purchase US suppliesif they paid with cash and used own ships.
  • Battle of Britain

    ***SUMMER OF 1940
    Germans attack coast of France and try destroying britains royal airforce. The Germans wanted total control in the air
  • Lend Lease Act

    -President Roosevelt would lend or lease any suppliesto any country whose defense was important to the US.
  • Pearl Harbor

    -180 Japanese warplanes bombed the larges US naval base in the Pacific.
    -Brought the US into war-Japan wanted a hold of east Asia, but USIslands stood in the way
    -war over oil
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    -Important because it was a major industrial city-January 31, 1942 German commander surrendered -Turning point in war, and Soviet moved toward Germany.
  • D-Day

    -Under Eisenhower -Free Western Europe from Germany -Allies attack Normand, Northern France-Phantom army to trick Germany
  • Battle of the Bulge

    -Americans captured German town, Aachen October 1944
    -Hitler wanted to break up suppl lines between American and Britain-Drove tanks to divide the supply lines"-Lost so much men and supplies the could not replace in the long run
  • Yalta Conference

    -Ended the 11th
    -Heads of government (US, Great Britain, Soviet Union) The big three-Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin -Re-establish nations of war-ruined nations in Europe -Stalin also agreed to participate in the war against Japan. -The United Nations
  • V-E Day

    -Victory in Europe Day
    --Hitler and wife killed themselves-War was over
  • Nuremberg Trials

    -Allies put 24 surviving Nazi leaders on trial for humanity, war, and peace crimes.-Ministers, military leaders, industrialists, and party leaders were tried.-12 were sentenced to death, others send to prison. -Now, military leaders or participants are in charge of their actions..not a leaders.