Hitler began to defy the Treaty of Versailles that had ended World War I. He announced would build a new air force and begin a military draft. -
Hitler sent troops into Austria and announced the unification of Austria and Germany. -
Hitler and Germany claim the Sudetenland, an area of Czechoslovakia with a large German-speaking population. -
Munich Conference
Britain, France and Germany made concessions in exchange for peace. The appeasement plan failed when Germany sent troops into Czechoslovakia and divided the country, even after czach. gave up the Sudetenland. -
Hitler demanded Poland he wanted control over the city of Danzig. Hitler ordered the Germany army to invade Poland -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
German officals made an nonaggression pact with the USSR. Stalin believed the best way to protect the USSR was to turn the capitalist nations agsint each other. -
Poland, Britain, France
Germany invaded Poland, two days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany. World War II had begun. -
It is a type of warfare. Blitzkrieg used large numbers of massed tanks to break through and rapidly encircle enemy positions. One of the first Blitzkrieg attacks were on the Polish cpatial of Warsaw. -
Poland Fell
Due to numerous Blitzkrieg attacks, Poland fell to the Germans -
Phoney War
The British had sent troops to France, and bothe countries remianed on the defensive, waiting for the Germans to attack. -
Invasion of France
The Germans stormed through Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The Germans then went around the French defensive line called the "Maginot Line" and easily invaded the France -
Battle of Britain
Air battle between the Germans and British. Bombs fell on Geman capital and British captial. Germany lost 1,733 aircrafts and British lost 915 aircrafts -
Evacuation at Dunkirk
Britain and France were evacuting troops to save them but the Germans captured all the ports but one, Dunkirk in northern France near the Belgain border. An estimated 338,000 troops were saved. -
French Surrender
Germany had occupied much of northern France and its Atlantic coastline