World war 2 wwii

World War II

By ZachCal
  • Period: to

    Pre World War II

  • Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    ensured a absence of the Soviet Union in a European War, as well as separating Germany and Japan from forming a military alliance
  • Germany invades Poland, starting WWII

    Germany invades Poland, starting WWII
    Lasted one month and five days. The results were a decisive German Victory that started WWII. Poland had 199,700 casualties, but Germany, Slovakia, and the Soviet union only had 59,000 combined casalties
  • Period: to


  • Britian and France declare war on Germany

    Britian and France declare war on Germany
    Britian and France went to war against Germany due to the invasion of Poland
  • Battle of Britian Begins

    Battle of Britian Begins
    Air campaign led by the Germain Luftwaffe against the United Kingdom. FIrst major battle fought entirely by air forces.
  • United States begins first peacetime draft

    United States begins first peacetime draft
    Marked the end of the isolationist tradition in the United States. Civilians were drafted due to the possibiluty to face unfriendly opposition and war
  • Germany Invades Soviet Union

    Germany Invades Soviet Union
    Largest German military operation of WWII. Goal was annihalation of the Communist state and Jews
  • Alantic conference begins

    Alantic conference begins
    defined Allie goals for the Post-war
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Surprise Military attack conducted by the Japanese Navy. attack was intended as a preventative action to keep US fleet from interfearing with military actions of Japan
  • Italy and Germany declare war on the United States

    Italy and Germany declare war on the United States
    Germany Anounced that thy must side with Italy and defend their ally Japan
  • The Wannsee conference begins

    The Wannsee conference begins
    Conference held by senior officials of the Nazi Regime. The purpose of the conference was to inform leaders of Departments responsible for various policies relating to Jews
  • Battle of Midway Begins

    Battle of Midway Begins
    Most important Naval battle of the pacific campaign. ended in a decisive American victory
  • Guadalcanal Campaign begins

    Guadalcanal Campaign begins
    first major offensive move by the Allies against Japan. Afterwards the Japanese made multiple attepts to take back the land that they had lost, but they were unseccessful
  • Battle of Stalingrad Begins

    Battle of Stalingrad Begins
    Nazi Germany fought against the Soviet Union for control of Stalingrad. It is recognized as one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare, also it was the turning point for WWII in Europe
  • Allies invade North Africa

    Allies invade North Africa
    The United States wanted to land in Europe as soon as possible, but Franklin D. Roosevelt agrred to support Prime Minister Churchill in his plan to land in North Africa.
  • Casablanca Conference begins

    Casablanca Conference begins
    held to plan the Allied European strategy for the next phase of World War II. Produced the "Casablanca Declaration" which announced to the world that the Allies would accept nothing less than the “unconditional surrender” of the Axis powers.
  • Mussolini resigns

    Mussolini resigns
    Mussolini stepped down as leader of the Military. Victor Emmanual assumed control of the Army. Seen as a Massive blow to the Axis Powers.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italy Surrenders
    Italy signed an unconditiolnal armistance with the allies. Later the Italian leader announced the surrender to the people, and even hinted that they should turn against Germany and their former allies
  • Tehran Conference begins

    Tehran Conference begins
    first WWII conference held between all three "Big" leaders
  • D-day

    Normandy landing during the invasion of Normandy. resulted in a decisive Allied Victory
  • Allies Liberate Paris

    Allies Liberate Paris
    started by an uprising of the French Resistence. Took place until the surrender of the occupying Germans. Allied Victory
  • Battle of the Buldge Begins

    Battle of the Buldge Begins
    Major German offensive campaign. The surprise attack caught Allied forces off guard. Most costly battle in WWII
  • Yalta Conference Begins

    Yalta Conference Begins
    meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Discussed the reestablishment of the regions of war-torn Europe
  • Battle of Iwo Jima Begins

    Battle of Iwo Jima Begins
    United States fought to capture Iwo Jima from the Japanese. wanted to control the island in order to stage attacks on the Japanese mainland. American Victory
  • Battle of Berlin Begins

    Battle of Berlin Begins
    offensive operation by the Soviet Union. Ended with the surrender of Berlin. Soviet Victory
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide
    Injested a cyanide capsule, and then shot himself in the head with a pistol while in his underground shelter
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Allied forces began to take a large number of Axis prisoners. After the deaths of Hitler and Mousolini, the Germans began to surrender.
  • Postdam Conference Begins

    Postdam Conference Begins
    held in Postdam, Germany. Determined how to administer punishement to the defeated Nazi Germany.
  • United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima

    United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
    second use of Atomic Bomb in war to date. Part of Allies invasion of Japan. 90,000-160,000 killed
  • United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki

    United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki
    one of the two uses of atomic bombs in warfare to date. Part of Allies invasion of Japan. 60,000-80,000 killed.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Brought WWII to an end. Japanese asked Soviet Union to neotiate peace with the US on their behalf