Unequal Treaties
United States and Japan signed the treatie of Kanagawa. Japan must open five ports to Amercian trade. Americasn can live in port cities, but did not have to obey Japanese laws. Paid vert small tax on improted items; "flooded Japan with cheap products. -
Commodore Perry
Commodore Perry arrives in in Japan and forces it to open its ports to resapply. They also force it to open up trading posts using the tactic of Gunboat Diplomacy. -
Meji Restoration
Emperor Meji restored as surpreme rulur of Japan. Japan begisn modernizaton-new army, sent people to study in forein countries, developed technology (trains, ships, telegraph). -
Shino Japanese War: Liaotung Penisula (Port Arthur) and Tawain
Meiji Constitution
Emperor restored to most powerful.State Shinto religion. New land laws. People elected a Congress (Diet.) -
Russo-Japanese War (more of Manchuria)
Japan surprisingly, soundly beats Russia but fails to gain respect. They also had a lack of materials, food, and land. -
Japan sided with the Allies. Japan took hold of Geman Possesions. Japan gained profit due to a need for war material which caused a tremendous industrial boom in Japan. -
Pearl Harbor Bombing
Japan plans surprise attack and bombs Pearl Harbor unexpectantly; launches America into World War II. -
Baaton Death March
Americans foced to march 65 miles in the Philipines after thier camp was captured. If they stopped marching they would be killed. -
Doolittle Raid
When America wanted to give Japan "A taste of thier own medicine" and raided Japan. Most of the volounteers for this mission were either killed or captured. -
Island Hopping
Both Japanese and American lose one aircraft -
Battle of Midway
Americans interupt Japanese coded messege and discover details about attack. Americans then ambush Japanese navy and destroy thier best pilots. Turning point in war in the Pacific. -
Battle of Guadalacanal Islands
Thousands of lives lost on both sides; indicator of number of Americans and Japanese lives to be lost in the war. -
Hiroshima Bombing
United States drops bomb on Japan.