World War II

  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    The Germans invade Poland September 1, 1939, and this is what caused World War II in Europe. The outcome of this event is that World War II started and this was the start of the Germans triumphant try at taking over the world.
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    World War II

  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
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    Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain was a major event for both Britain and Germany. Germany's air force was depleted. It also taught the Allies a lesson, that Hiter could be blocked.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    This was the name given to the Nazi's attack on Russia. Hitler said that when the attack occurs, Russia will be holding its breath. Three army groups attacked Russia, while Russia was defended by four units. Hitler's most difficult descisions came when he had to send his troops north, south or east because he was taking over very rapidly.
  • Battle of Moscow, Russia

    Battle of Moscow, Russia
    When Hitler invaded Russia when the Operation of Barbarossa was underway, Hitler's main target was Russia's capital of Moscow. To repel the invasion the civilians of Moscow were used to build defence. This battle was significant because it led onto other battles between these two powerful armies.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
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    Battle of Stalingrad, Russia

    The battle started by Adolf Hitler being stopped at Russian gates, so the germans decided to move in. Since the Germans had surrounded the Russians, the only way to bring in re-inforcements was to cross the Volga river and they would get attacked.
  • Battle Of Kursk

    Battle Of Kursk
    The Battle was a retaliation of the Battle Of Stalingrad where the germans had lost. This Battle was said to involve two million fighting men, six thousand tanks, and four thousand aircraft. It was said to be the biggest tank war in history.
  • D-Day, France

    D-Day, France
    The Normandy Landings occured and there were two parts. The airborne assault and the amphibious landing. For this to work there were a series of distractions and decoys as well as Hitler believing the landings were happening somewhere else.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
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    Battle of the Bulge- Lux/Beligium

    The main plan for germany was to take Antwerp to split American and British armies to make the allies weak. When they take Antwerp they would halt the attack at the Meuse river. The significance of this event is the germans were taking over more land and weakening the allies.
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    Battle of Berlin

    Soviet forces wanted to get back at the Germans, so they decide to team up with America and Great Britain and storm into Germay. Even though the Americans And Brits were involved the battle was all the Russian Red army. The significance is that allies are gaining power.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
  • Bombing Of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing Of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The bombing of Japan by the United States was a retaliation to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which caused the Americans to join the war. The bombing is significant because if Japan did not bomb back, the the US never would have fought in the war.