
World War I Timeline

  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
    On the very same day as the beginning of World War I., The Archduke of Austria was murdered along with his wife Sophie. These events were caused by the greed for the throne as Ferdinand was heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. But soon after the murder chaos broke out in its wake.
  • World War I Beings

    World War I Beings
    There were many events that all lead to the start of the 1st World War. But with the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. Kickstarted all the major events that eventually caused the war that lasted till November 11, 1918.
  • Battle of Gallipoli

    Battle of Gallipoli
    The Battle of Gallipoli was a failed attack by the Allied power to gain control over the sea route between Russia and Europe. Beginning with a naval battle between British and French troops and eventually lead on to a major land invasion. This invasion involved British, French, Australian, and New Zealand forces and caused them all to unleash an all-out battle against each other causing mass casualties on both sides. But with the large casualties count the Allied Forces decided to withdraw.
  • Sinking of The Lusitania

    Sinking of The Lusitania
    On May 7, 1915, a British steam vessel named the Lusitania was targeted by a German U-boat and shot down by the torpedos that it launched. As the large British steamship sunk it killed 1,128 people including 128 Americans that were on board. And with this event starting the eventual installation of the U.S into the war due to the immediate tension that was caused by the event between Germany and the Americas.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was started from the command of German General Erich von Falkenhayn who desired to cause major bloodshed on the French defence position around Verdun. As this battle began the German forces advanced quickly and viciously. They claimed many of the French forts leading up to the Verdun Cathedral. But their siege was cut short as the Germans withdrew from the battle as they had sustained over 600,000 casualties.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Somme Offensive was one of the largest battles that were fought during the span of World War I. Close to the Somme River in France, the British and French forces ripped each other apart. Causing the British to sustain over 57,000 casualties on the first day alone. This battle had effective effects on both sides, causing the British to improve their military tactics and the French still being more effective than the British by winning greater advances in the war with fewer casualties.
  • The Zimmerman Note

    The Zimmerman Note
    It may have been inevitable for the U.S to avoid being pulled into the war by 1917 but the process leading to the involvement was definitely accelerated by the telegram from Arthur Zimmerman who was a German foreign secretary. Intercepted by British forces as it was intended for the German ambassador to Mexico Heinrich von Eckardt. It stated that if the U.S was to enter the war on the Allied Forces side they were to make a secret alliance with Mexico and Japan to plan an attack on the U.S.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution that happened in 1917 was one of the most eruptive political battles in history. This explosive revolution changed many things like the rule of the Romanov reign and the many years of imperial rule. The Russian revolters or the Bolshevik's lead by Vladimir Lenin. Fought and seized the power of the Russian government and ended the imperial rule. And the revolters would later form a communist party called the Soviet Union.
  • The U.S.A's Entrance

    The U.S.A's Entrance
    On April 6, 1917, the U.S Senate voted with the majority to declare war against Germany and marked the official entrance of the U.S into World War I. With the beginning of the war in 1914 the U.S declared neutrality and withstood the war. But since Britain who was a close partner with the U.S was at high tensions with Germany. It caused the U.S to be affected by Germany's battles with Britain. And as Germany declared unrestricted warfare against all ships they pushed the U.S.A's hand.
  • Russia Withdraws From the War

    Russia Withdraws From the War
    On March 3, 1917, Russia makes the decision to sign the Brest-Litovsk with the Central Powers, stating that they were abandoning the Allied Powers war effort and giving independence to its Baltic and Polish territories, along with Ukraine and Finland. As the German's pushed for the passing of the treaty with Germany it was all stopped when Germany demanded control over Russia's possessions in Eastern Europe. Starting the fighting back up again with German forces advancing on Russia.
  • Battle of Chateau Thierry

    Battle of Chateau Thierry
    As the French forces struggled with the German advances, the arrival of the U.S Marines caused a turn of the tide that really surprised the German military. Reporting back stating how formidable they are proving to be and possibly considering their Second American Division to be a storm troop. Supported by the Americans the French would go on the finally achieve dominance over the German forces and gain control over Chateau Thierry. Causing the Germans to be pushed back even further.
  • Battle of Argonne

    Battle of Argonne
    The Battle of Argonne or the Meuse-Argonne offensive started on the morning of September 26, 1918. It took place after the previous night that consisted of a 6-hour long blitz and over 700 Allied Tanks. That was closely backed by the Allied infantry troops. As they all advanced on the German forces that lay in the Argonne Forest. With the battle already commencing the 37, U.S and French divisions pushed the German forces back and dominated the battle. But had to settle for less than they hoped
  • Armistice

    As of November 11, 1918, the first world war ended with a final armistice. The consistent bombing and artillery fire suddenly stopped and all that remained was an eerie silence. Both the Allied Powers and the Central Powers had agreed to a final cease-fire. After long hours of discussion, both sides of the war had calculated all the casualties and losses that they had sustained. And had come to the decision that both of them did not have the power to keep on fighting which finally ended the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    After the Armistice World War 1 was on the path to its end but didn't officially end until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Discussed by the Allied Powers and very shortly with Germany, over 400 articles reassigned the German boundaries and eventually lead to the French and the Americans coming to the decision to dismember Germany by dividing its parts accordingly so there would be no chance for another war to be started again between Germany and the Allied Powers.
  • The First Meeting of the League of Nations

    The First Meeting of the League of Nations
    After the post effects of World War 1 the new treaty bonding the League of Nations that consisted of 42 nations was completely put into effect. The world was devastated from the effects of World War 1 and most people during this time regardless of the Nation wanted to have an international body of people to make sure that the world stays at peace. Although the League of Nations would eventually be dissolved into the United Nations it left a foundation that supported the continuation of peace.