Great Migration
Great Migration link
Great Migration in World War One was the Movement of over 6 million blacks out of the Southern protion of the U.S. And seperated into the Midwest, Northeast, and West from 1910 to 1930. Some Historians have estimated there to be over 1.6 million migrants during the period of 1910 and 1930. -
Causes of World War 1
Imperialism- The Authority that one nation has over other countries through political, economic, and military power
Nationalism- Devotion and interest to the culture of ones nation
Militarism- Development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy
Alliance System- Finding other countries that will protect you, Neutral Protection between nations Video Of the Causes Of World War One Causes of World War One Link -
Assasination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand AssasinationThe Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated on June 28, 1914. Franz and his wife Sophia were shot by a man named Princip who was later imprisoned. Princip shot the Couple because he was a member of the Black Hand group who opposed his government opinions and decisions. He was shot because the Bosnian's wanted to be a segregated country from Austria-Hungary. Assasination of Franz Ferdinand -
Allies vs. Central Powers
The Central Powers and Allies were made split countries when the war began on July 28, 1914. The killing of theArchDuke of Austria-Hungary was the spark to the start of the war. The countries were seperated into 2 different groups. The Allies consisted of France, Great Britain, Russia, and later on America also joined the fight. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy who later changed to an Allie and Turkey took its place. -
Fighting Begins
The fighting of World War 1 beigns in August when Germany declares war on Russia and France and then proceedes by invading Luxembourg. Fighting in World War one -
Women's Roles during World War One
Women had a big job to do during the war. They had to keep after the child, find their own job, help do thier part in the war while their husbands were off in the war. They were usually wroking in factories helping make products or something of that similar nature. The Women had to wear the pants while the men were gone. They also had to come home and cook food for their children, it was a busy harsh life. -
Trench Warefare
The Trenches were a very dangerous place to be stationed at to fight, The Trenches were little crawl spaces that men had to live out of for very long periods of time. The trenches weren't dug very deep into the ground so the soldiers had to crouch down so that their heads wouldn't get blown off from large explosions. It was a harsh way to live, very dnagerous. Trench Warfare Life -
New Weapons of World War One
[New Weapons of World War One Video](<a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I-VyjZk2a0' )Soldiers couldn't do much with them Air combat wise. In those days there guns or anything attached to the planes so soldiers had to take handguns with them and shoot other pilots. -
LusitaniaThe Luscitania was a British Ship that was shot down just off the coast of Ireland by a German Submarine. The ship was holding many passenger that were packed inside, mostly New Yorkers but there was also amunition and war supplies like guns and explosives that were on the sip too. With these thngs having been on there when the ship blew up it was much larger than it should have been. -
British Blockade
The British blockade was made so that Austrian-Hungary, Turkey, and primarily Germany wouldn't be able to get their ships to the main land. The ships would carry food and supplies for the country, if the supplies wouldn't make it to their country then the people wouldn't get the supplies they needed whether it was for their health or for the war. The British Blockade was very successful. The German Empire claimed that 763,000 Germans died of Starvation because of the British Blockade. -
New Weapons of World War One
During the war many weapons were made and used. Some of those wepons helped countries advance in the war. A few of those weapons were Tanks, Mustard Gas, and Airplanes. Tanks were a big help in the war. They provided good protection and they were easily to use, although they were gas guzzlers and slow moving they helped a lot with large area destruction. Mustard gas was used in trech warefare mostly. The gas was effectiv enad killed many men. Airplanes were a new discovery in World War One but -
Election of 1916
Election of 1916 LinkIn the Election of 1916 the nomminated candidates were Woodrow Wilson and Charles Evans Hughes. Wilson who was re-elected President started making Military Preparations as early as 1915, even though he didn't want the U.S. in the war he realized that we would probably get dragged into it. Wilson was elected because he was good at keeping the U.S. out of war and keeping a legislative agenda that any President today hasn't been able to equal. Many thought that he was a very good President. -
Zimmerman Note
The Zimmerman Note was a note sent to Mexico by The German's stating that the two countries should come together and form a military alliance agianst the United States. A British cryptographer got ahold of the coded telegram and deciphered it. The British released the Zimmerman note to Wilson on February 24. The United States Congress formally declared war against Germany on April 6, 1917. -
America Joins the Fight
After the Zimmerman Note was deciphered and was deciphered by Great Britain, the note was then sent to the United States and published through the newspapers. The United States took action by declaring war on Germany on April 6th 1917. -
CPI (Commitee on Public Information)
CPI is the Community on Public Information. CPI was a group that was created to generate public support for increased federal spending and sending Americans to fight overseas. Some of CPI's tactics amounted to outright harassment and persecution of dissenters. The Committee on Public Information was set up to sway Americans toward supporting the U.S. war effort. The CPI is abolished in 1919. -
Selective Service Act
Selective Service Act LinkThe selective service act was made so that the United States would have a large army that they could use to fight the war with. The act was made by Captain Hugh Johnson shortly after the United States had joined the war. The Selective Service Act got many men to enlist in the army and the army nearly tripled during the war. -
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Espionage Act LinkThe Espionage and Sedition acts were made to prohibit any attempt to interfere with military operations, to support U.S. enemies during war, or to interfere with military recruitment. Tese acts were mae because people were trying to stop people from recruiting such as the Court Case Schenk vs. The United States. -
WIB (War Industries Board)
The War Industries Board was a United States Government Agency established on July 28, 1917 during World War One to coordinate the purchase of war supplies. The board was first led By Frank A. Scott who had previously been head of the General Munitions Board. He was replaced in November by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad President Daniel Willard. Then in January 1918, the board was reorganized under the leadership of Bernard M. Baruch. -
Wilson's 14 Points
Wilson's 14 points linkIn early January 1918, both British prime minister David Lloyd George and American President Woodrow Wilson issued public explanations of what they hoped to accomplish through a victory over the Central Powers, which were later called Wilson's 14 points. -
Before the War many of the European Countries were big and there weren't very many of them After the War the Countries were separated and there were most states that were made. Some countries made completely new states. Austria and Hungary were separated and made different countries, Czechoslovakia was also made a new country. -
An Armistice is the signing of a contract o the end of a war. World Wat One had gone on for Four years before it eneded. At 11 A.M, the Armistice was signed bringing the war to an end. It was signed in a railway carriage in Compiègne Forest on 11 November 1918 and marked a victory for the Allies and a complete defeat for Germany, although not technically a surrender. -
Big Four
Big Four Meeting LinkThe Big Four were the Allied leaders who met at the Paris Peace Conference in January 1919, after World War I. They were President Woodrow Wilson of the United States, Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Britain, Premier Georges Clemenceau of France, and Premier Vittorio Orlando of Italy. The Allies included twenty more nations and representatives from all the countries attended the conference. The decisions, however, were made by these 4 head states. -
Schenk vs. The United States
The court case Schenk vs. The United States was about Charles Schenk who didn't believe in the war and that the men shouldn't join so he began passing out leaflets to people. For these acts, Schenck was indicted and convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917. Schenck appealed to the United States Supreme Court, arguing that the court decision violated his First Amendment rights. The Court Upheld Schenck stating that freedom of Speech was quesitonable during a time of war. -
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The treaty didn't become effective right away because word couldn't get out fast enough but the actual fighting ended on November 18. -
Final Statistic
War is quite expenise. World War one costed the U.S. 3 trillion 900 billion 473 million dollars. The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I were over 35 million. There were over 15 million deaths and 20 million wounded ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history. The total number of deaths includes about 10 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians. The Allies lost about 6.0 million soldiers while the Central Powers lost 4 million. -
League of Nations
The League of Nations LinkAn association of countries established in 1919 by the Treaty of Versailles to promote international cooperation and achieve international peace and security. It was powerless to stop Italian, German, and Japanese expansionism leading to World War II and was replaced by the United Nations in 1945.