German Commercial treaties
The Germans had Commercial treaties with Russia. Austria-Hungary ratified in February. Duke serge was assassinated in Moskow Russia as well as the ratification was happening. -
Winston Churchill becomes Home Secretary. Basically becoming head of The Colonial Office. Churchill was very devoted into putting his work into the Middle-East and Ireland. -
World War I starts
Germans invaded Belgium. -
Germans fire
The Germans fire shells filled with chlorine gas at Allied lines. This is the first time that large amounts of gas are used in battle, and the result is the near-collapsing of the enemy. -
Germany Limits subs.
Reacting to the outrage internationally going around at the sinking of the Lusitania and other neutral lines, Wilhelm Suspended unrestricted submarines. Doing this was an attempt to keep America out of the war. -
First Tanks
The British deployed the first tank to be used in fighting.All though the tanks were good at making paths for infantry and breaking through barbed wire they still failed and came up short of what was needed to do. -
Selective service act
Congress passed this act authorizing the draft. The congress was heavily bashed on for ending democracy but fighting for it somewhere else. Then president Wilson signed it from a bill to a law. -
German and Russian Peace
Germans signed peace treat which gave Germans a way to put more soldiers on the western front. Gave Germany huge tracks of land. This caused problems for the French,British,and Americans. -
Battle of Catigny
This was the first major war offensively for the Americans. The Americans fought bravely and succeeded on many more battles. -
German Naval Fleet
The surrendered German Naval Fleet at Scapa Flow was stopped.